EmbattledpreacherofNeno Evangelism pastor James Ng’ang’a before the Limuru court.                                                             BY SAM ALFAN.                                            Its another trouble for embattled preacher of Neno Evangelism James Ng’ang’a after the city businessman slapped him with another suit. This is after High Court froze the accounts of the embattled preacher after businessman Geoffrey Ndung’u sued the Evangelist, accusing him of swindling him of Sh2.3 million.

According to documents filed in court, Ndung’u says he moved the funds from his account to one of Neno’s in April of 2012 after receiving prayers from Ng’ang’a for mental problems.

Ndung’u says he was on medication for a psychotic break when he transferred the funds and was therefore not in his right mind.

He says efforts by himself and his family to have the funds returned to them have borne no fruit, leading to the suit.

In his replying affidavit, Ng’ang’a denied any knowledge of the funds being transferred into his church’s account but argues that in the event they were, it was received as a gift and gifts are not refundable.

“If such money was deposited in the church’s account, it was deposited without coercion, inducement and was an absolute gift,” the affidavit reads.

The case is slated for mention on September 22.

Ng’ang’a has in the past few weeks made headlines after being accused of causing the death of Mercy Njeri by dangerous driving.

He is out on a Sh500,000 cash bail and on Wednesday got some form of reprieve when the court refused to order a DNA sample from him.
He has challenged the charge and the associated charges of conspiring to defeat justice and providing false information to a public officer in the High Court.

It’s alleged that on July 26, while driving a Range Rover, he collided with a car which Njeri was driving.

He has also been charged with fleeing the scene of the accident.

On August 20, Ng’ang’a formally denied the charges before Senior Resident Magistrate Timothy ole Tanchu at the Limuru Law Courts.
The State counsel had sought to have Ng’ang’a compelled to undergo DNA testing in a bid to match a blood sample taken from the driver’s seat of the Range Rover to him.

Ng’ang’a has denied being behind the wheel of the car when the accident occurred.