The butcher Isaac Komu who was sentenced to death a butcher who slaughtered his lover for aborting a baby over unrequited love in a suspected love triangle at Milimani law courts on Thursday September 24, 2015.


Nairobi High court criminal division on Thursday sentenced to death a butcher who slaughtered his lover for aborting a baby over unrequited love in a suspected love triangle.

Isaac Kirugo Komu is said to have murdered Jane Wanjiru Kagoya in 2008 in Gachie, Kiambu County. Isaac Komu used to own butchery and sell goat meat within Kihara market in Kaimbu.

Justice Ombija said the manner in which the accused dismembered the deceased body parts smacked the operation of ‘JACK THE REAPER’ which fitted well with his trade -a butcher by profession.

The American movie star who  is also known for committing gruesome murders from August 7 to September 10 in 1888, “Jack the Ripper”—a moniker for the notorious serial killer, who was never identified—remains one of England’s, and the world’s, most infamous criminals.

He is said to have killed her then cut off her legs and threw them in a latrine. He also threw the remaining part of the body in a well at a school

He was charged with the murder of Jane Wanjiru on September 2009.

The two were family friends, although Ms Wanjiru had a boyfriend whom she had a son with. Wanjiru had been Thuku’s lover for 6 years.

Thuku was happy at hearing he was going to be a father but Wanjiru insisted that she would abort the fetus. Eventually he accepted Jane’s will and the abortion was to cost Shs 8000.

Mr Kirugo was said to have been jealous that the woman loved the other man.

After committing the murder, the man kept sending threatening text messages to Ms Wanjiru’s boyfriend and her family using her phone.

He is said to have attempted to commit suicide after the woman’s body parts were retrieved from the toilet and the well.

Judge said on the totality of the circumstantial evidence adduced by the prosecution, through its witnesses, it is clear to him that there was a love triangle between the accused and the deceased and her other lover Kennedy Thuku.

He said the deceased appeared to love Thuku more than the accused which did not go well with the accused.

“The final straw that broke the camel’s back was when the deceased aborted a foetus which the accused thought was his. Envy, the greed monster set in. He then lured the deceased to his house, dismembered her and threw her torso in the bore-hole within Joy Nursery school compound and the legs at the pit latrine at the compound the accused used to sleep,” he says.

The accused has 14 days to appeal court decision before the judgement is implemented as per court judgement delivered today on 24 of September 2015 at Milimani law courts.