Isabella Wambani Walubengo alias Mutenya Walubengo Davis accused of stealing three children before Nairobi Magistrate Court which ordered her detention for three days at Milimani Law Court’s on Wednesday November 23.2016.
A middle aged woman who allegedly stole three children has been detained for three days to allow the police complete investigations.
Ms Isabella Wambani Walubengo alias Mutenyo Walubengo Davis was today arraigned in court where the prosecution requested for seven days to complete investigations.
The prosecution told the court that the suspect was arrested at Diani Morning Star by Directorate of Criminal Investigation officers from Nairobi and escorted to Diani police station.
The court heard that on November 16, 2016, the woman was arrested at Ukunda Township and three children two aged about one and a half years and the other aged about seven months were rescued with the young one appearing unwell.
The officers said that on November 17, 2016 the suspect was arraigned before Kwale law courts and a request for 5 days custodial was made.
According to the officers, the preliminary investigations were conducted which revealed that the origin of the children was in Nairobi as the three children are purported to have been delivered in Nairobi hospitals.
“The investigation officers intend to seek services of gynecologist at Kenyatta National Hospital,” claims the prosecution.
Prosecution added that the woman is a fright risk because at the time of arrest she was found possessing three other passports.
The prosecution sought for orders to have the suspect remanded at the Muthaiga Police Station for a period of 7 days for them to complete the investigations.
“We pray that the court be pleased to issue remand order to enable the suspect to be remanded at Muthaiga police station for seven days,” the prosecution said.
They appeared before magistrate Teresiah Nyangene who said that seven days are too many because the prosecution need to speed up their process.