Constitutional activist Okiyah Omtatah speaking to Nairobi Times at Milimani law court on Friday March 17 ,2017 (PHOTO BY S.A.N).

Chief Justice David Maraga has come under fire for allegedly intimidating High Court Judges who issue sanction against the government and its agencies.

The head of judiciary has allegedly succumbed to external pressure to cut to size judges who have demonstrated independent pressure behavior and are regarded as rebels.
Activist Okiya Omtatah claimed on Friday that Justice Maraga has started piling pressure on individual judges to toe the line and stop issuing blanket orders against the Government. He said reliable sources had intimidated to him that the CJ wanted to take disciplinary action against some judges who did not take his orders.
As example, Okiya said the CJ wanted to punish the head of the constitutional and Human Rights Division, Justice Enock Chacha Mwita for suspending Parliamentary debate involving Auditor General Edward Aoko.
“The Chief Justice Wants to punish the Hon Justice Enock Chacha Mwita by transferring him out of the Nairobi station just because he recently granted order’s suspending parliamentary proceedings to oust the Auditor General pending hearing and determination of constitutional petition I filed in the High court against the process” claimed Omtatah.
Chief Justice David Maraga is holding a closed-door meeting with all heads of the High Court’s Divisions at the Milimani law courts in Nairobi. The agenda of the urgent meeting was not disclosed.
Omutata is now urging the chief justice to abandon the destructive path he has embark on.

“If for nothing else to avoid taking us to the dark days when nightmares like the 2007/2008 postelection violence were vested upon us because protagonists had no confidence in the judiciary,”says Omtatah.

He further says that judicial independence means that judges are not subject to pressure and influence and are free to make impartial decisions based solely on fact and law.

Early this week Justice Mwita stopped National Assembly from debating on a petition that is seeking to remove Edward Ouko from office.

Omtata claims there is a spirited campaign to have Ouko ousted from his position yet he is a diligent worker.

He has accused Emmanuel Mwagonah, who petitioned Parliament to have the Auditor-General sacked, and the Speaker of abusing their powers by aiding the orchestration of a plan aimed at removing Ouko from office.

The activist terms the move as a deliberate violation of rights of Mr Ouko to a fair trial and good reputation..

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