Wiper Party Leader Kilonzo Musyoka.


A still voice tells me to uncover the mystery in Wiper Party wrangles but I am egg sure that a Kenyan somewhere will see in bold the writings on the wall.

During an electioneering season, parties are born, other invigorate, some form alliances, others die while others existence is challenged by the system. The position currently occupied by Wiper is unfamiliar looking at the events that shaped the process that has brewed the present condition of the party.

Allow me to look at some of the factors that led to the development of this condition. Referring to an earlier article on NairobiTimez <<WIPER LEADER KALONZO MUSYOKA HAS BEEN PLAYED BY RAILA UNDER HIS NOSE>> the effects of that decision that dissolved cord and birthed National Super Alliance, NASA, massacring an agreement made between Kalonzo and Raila tell of a manuscript script that no one wants read, and if they do, see a total sell out by those representing the community.

It is true to say that Kalonzo sacrificed or gave up his interests for what is christened the betterment of NASA. One thing however is also true, Raila did not, could not give up his interests to support someone else either Musalia Mudavadi or Kalonzo for the betterment of the Alliance. The people representing him in the bilateral talks outwitted the Kalonzo and Mudavadi ‘intellectuals.’

Who gained from the dissolution of Cord?

It is outright that the person who gained in all respects is Raila Odinga. He gave up nothing to be NASA’s flag bearer. Kalonzo has lost; to have a political vehicle in 2013, Raila’s alliance with wiper birthed Cord- His interests were safeguarded by Cord. In 2017, for Raila to be prominently ahead of the park, he had to dissolve Cord- the agreement with Kalonzo and form NASA. Now, Kalonzo sacrificed in 2013 and he has offered himself for sacrifice again in 2017. When will Raila sacrifice for Kalonzo or another person?

Disquiet in Wiper

Following the decision by the eminent persons fronted by Wiper party, ODM and Amani party, it emerged that the decision was screwed. Francis Nyenze, a senior member of Wiper who was in the committee came out guns blazing that he was not part of the decision that endorsed Raila to be NASA’s flag bearer. The cracks in the agreement started emerging. According to Nyenze, it was a complete sell out of Kalonzo.

Wiper MPs, Francis Mwangangi (Yatta), Regina Ndambuki (Kilome) and Joe Mutambu (Mwingi Central), Kisoi Munyao (Mbooni), Chama cha Uzalendo Vincent Musyoka (Mwala) Vincent Munyaka ( Machakos Town) have also disowned their party to join jubilee. Machakos governor Dr Alfred Mutua has also declared to support the reelection of President Kenyatta. Did this just happen or what may have caused it? In politics, where there is smoke there must be fire.

Another instance where Wiper Party leader messed up was during nominations. Kalonzo’s concealed hand was evident to the point that his close confidant and Machakos Senator Johnstone Muthama unequivocally said that he was disappointed by the party leader (Kalonzo). Despite pledging support to NASA’s flagbearer, he disowned Kalonzo and flung hands at the party nomination for him to run again as senator on a Wiper ticket. Senator Muthama is the biggest financier of Wiper. Imposing leaders through proxies was a great undoing of Kalonzo in his backyard.

Wavinya Ndeti factor that demolished wiper:

Looking at what Wavinya Ndeti has brought into Wiper, misfortune after misfortune for some Wiper luminaries. Machakos Deputy Governor Bernard Kiala looked forward to be nominated as the Wiper candidate. He was supported by Senator Johnston Muthama and other key figures in Ukambani politics. When Wavinya came into the picture, they all backed down leaving Kalonzo to remember the far he had come with his close confidants now to leave them at their point of need. So, Muthama left wiper- he was not agreeing with the processes initiated by the party leader, Kiala is nowhere to be seen, and if that is not enough Senator David Musila confirms that the revolt in Ukambani, is a result of the undoing of Kalonzo. He also lost in the primaries that Muthama confirmed were influenced.

What if Wavinya remained in her CCU party, would it have made Wiper remain a force in Ukambani? I wouldn’t agree less; Charity Ngilu is in her Narc party and enjoying the Kalonzo wave in her backyard. Kalonzo has kept quiet on the politics of Kitui. It would have gone well if Wavinya remained in her party and fight it out with Kiala and Dr Alfred Mutua for governorship.

Kalonzo for Presidency

In comes the other instance when Kalonzo submitted his papers to the IEBC as a presidential candidate. Despite him pulling out, this was a clear notice to his luminaries that he was not ready to wallow in confusion, his interests to go for the top seat must be considered. Some questions though arise from the move; who was Kalonzo going to frank as his running mate, does Kalonzo feel capable to go it alone without Raila and Mudavadi. I will skip Bungoma senator Moses Wetangula because together with Kalonzo, they demanded the immediate naming of a presidential candidate, so it could be that they had already formed an alliance.

It can be said that the two do not exude confidence with a Raila candidacy. Moses Wetangula despite being a principal in NASA brigade has not withdrawn his candidature for the Bungoma senatorial position. Governor Isaac Ruto too is running for the Bomet gubernatorial seat- he is also a principal. It wouldn’t be a shocker if you found Kalonzo having nominated himself as an MP. Using his own words, Kalonzo said that come rain come sunshine, he must be in the government. Which government? Either which will take power. His stay in NASA is just for convenience and in any case if the boat starts leaking, Kalonzo will swim to safety and leave the others to drown. He will fight for his own interests. This affirms the fruit name associated to him.

Whether true or false, the idea peddled that Kalonzo has been nominated as senator by his Wiper Movement gives the impression that he is restless in NASA. The allegation threw him off balance and was aimed to loosen confidence in him as the NASA second in command. Did the rumor sell, I would say, like hot cake because, the Wiper Movement disowned the message as Jubilee propaganda, but focused their energy in protecting their man- thereby they became defensive. If someone accused you, they make you defensive, meaning you focus on what the problem is doing to you instead of what you can do to overcome the problem. Wipers energies were thus misplaced.

The law is however clear giving three categories of people who can be nominated to the senate; them being a person with disability, 16 women and 2 youth. The Senate consists of 67 members and a Speaker. Of the sixty-seven, 47 of them are directly elected by the voters of the Counties at the General Elections. Political Parties nominate 16 Women Senators to represent the women of Kenya, another 2 (a man and a woman) to represent the youth of Kenya, and one man and one woman to represent all persons with disabilities.

The simmering confusion in NASA is still evident with ODM having candidates vying for same seats in perceived Wiper regions and Fork Kenya regions and vice versa. Look, politics is about interests; the pronouncement by Raila that he was not supporting independent candidates is also a sign of his game-plan. It means that Raila’s desire is to have majority MPs from ODM, his party. Is there an equal footing? Kakamega Senator Bonny Khalwale fore-warned Raila about interference in Kakamega politics- this can be interpreted that Raila was endorsing his ODM person other than Khalwale in Ford Kenya who is also in NASA.

Way forward;

Kalonzo has sacrificed, Mudavadi is silent, and Raila’s interests override other principals’ interests, what is the way forward?

Allow me to give two realities, one is, Kalonzo is late, can change nothing according to IEBC timelines. He messed up his nominations and has to live with the consequences of such actions. He better remain in NASA or the tsunami will mellow him.

Two, Kalonzo is not in-charge of his backyard politics. Instead of his getting everyone rowing to the shore, he has put on his life jacket and left his followers to save themselves. It can be noted that the politics of Ukambani seem to be overwhelming him. He is not in-charge, there are so many key leaders who have left him and the others who have not, but are just waiting for reelection to ditch him.

Kalonzo can however, go back to his backyard, have a sitting with all MPs whether supporting NASA or Jubilee and address their concern, come up with a solution. Leadership is all about followership not chest thumping.

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