Governor Charity Ngilu explains to AP inspector outside a courtroom at Milimani Law Courts on Thursday December 14,2017/PHOTO BY S.A.N.

Former Kitui Governor Julius Malombe’s alleged son Robert Malombe has been arrested for causing mayhem outside court.

This is following a heated disagreement with supporters of now Governor Charity Ngilu.

It is alleged that Robert and others created disturbance at Milimani law courts during the hearing of the petition where Malombe was being cross-examined by Ngilu lawyer Kioko Kilukumi.

Court orderlies had to intervene after they became rowdy.

Justice Pauline Nyamweya directed that only 15 persons from both parties will be allowed to attend court proceedings.

Robert is said to have attacked Kitui County Chief of Staff Crispus Ileli who was taken to Capitol Hill police station to record a statement.

Three other people were also arrested. By the time of this publication, NairobiTimez was informed the four were released on a police bond of 5000.

Former Kitui Governor Julius Malombe had earlier told the court that there were some instances where some of his agents were not allowed into the polling stations.

While supporting his petition before the high court yesterday, Malobe said that some of the votes counted in favor of Governor Charity Ngilu were never cast.

“There was vote staffing during the August 8 elections but my agents will appear before the court to give their testimony,” said Malombe.

In most of the polling stations, the ballots boxes were deliberately delayed where most of the stations were not accessible.

“When some women went to vote they were told that they already voted and were not able to vote,” said Malombe.

He told the court that the voter turnout was 73 percent which was a huge turnout .

Malombe said that the results that were displayed on the IEBC portal were not corroborated.

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