Former cabinet minister Maina Wanjigi is free for now.
He got a reprieve after the high court stopped the criminal proceedings before the Nyeri chief magistrate court.
High court judge Roselyn Aburili issued the orders saying that the petition has a prima facie and arguable case.
“I’m satisfied that the applicant has demonstrated that he has a prima facie case for interim orders to be granted by this court,” the court ruled.
Justice Aburili further directed that the main application be filed and served within seven days from today.
Maina moved to court to suspend summons to appear before the Nyeri magistrate court and take plea over failure to keep in safe custody his firearm.
Maina told the court that he was recuperating at his Karen home after undergoing a surgery in the United Kingdom and that he was not in a state of mind to swear an affidavit in support of the application filed by his lawyers
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