Safaricom Limited Director-Consumer Business Unit Sylvia Wairimu Njuguna also known as Slyvia Wairimu Muli.


Transcend Media Group has lost bid to be enjoined in the case which Safaricom Manager is seeking to block a case in which she is charged with causing death by dangerous driving.

Justice George Odunga dismissed the company application seeking to be enjoin in the case filed by Safaricom Consumer Unit Manager Sylvia Wairimu Njuguna also known as Sylvia Wairimu Muli.

“In the premises the application dated 12 of February and fails is dismissed with costs to the exparte applicant” ruled Odunga J.

The company accused Sylvia Wairimu Muli of making a number of prejudicial allegations against Transcend Media Group and as one of the parties who instigated her to be arraignment and charging as a result of the commercial dispute suit by Transcend Media Group against Safaricom Limited and others Milimani HCCC No, 466 of 2017.

Mike Njeru who is also accused of instigating the same criminal case against Sylvia Muli was also enjoined together with International Center for Conflict and Policy ( ICPC) who brought attention of the matter to Director of Public Prosecution.

Sylvia Wairimu Njuguna  moved to court last October seeking to stop her arrest and prosecution before the Kibera Court.

“An order prohibiting DPP and IG from arresting , arraigning , processing the Applicant in relation to Traffic Case No. 6843 of 2017”  said Sylivia.

She also sought to block hearing and determination of the Traffic  case No. 6843 of 2017 intianted against her by the charge sheet dated 13, November, 2017.

“Orders be issued prohibiting DPP and IG from taking any steps which would results cumulatively or otherwise arrest and prosecution of the applicant  pursuant to the road accident which occurred on 1 February, 2015 along the Southern By pass” Sylvia said in her court documents.

She further wanted High Court to quash directive on a letter dated  19 October, 2017 purporting to re-open for the trial of Sylvia Wairimu Njuguna on a road accident  which occurred on 1 of February, 2016 in a total abrogation of Sylvia right to fair administrative action.

During the time of accident, the directed was assigned to a Toyota Prado which caused the accident at 11:35 a.m along the Southern By Pass as she drove from Ngong Road direction toward’s Langata Road.

Sylvia reported the accident at Langata Police station on the same day and recorded a statement relating to the accident on 2 February, 2017.

The accident killed a 8 year old girl . The matter was investigated by the police.

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