Mohamud Hussein Aden who is one of the accused in the attempted murder of Former Garissa finance executive officer Idriss Aden Muktar/PHOTO BY S.A.N.


Former Garissa finance executive officer Idriss Aden Muktar family has written to Director of Public Prosecution Noordin Haji questioning why Garissa Governor Ali Bunow Korane and his brother Muhammed Bunow have not been prosecuted over their kins attempted murder.

Through lawyer Charles Kanyama,the family says that they have been informed that the investigations are complete into attempted murder of Idris and file was forwarded to DPP by Director of Criminal Investigations on Friday 12 October this year.

“Our client are concerned that aside from Mohamud Hussein Aden and Juliet Charity Njoki who has been charged in court (CMCC No 1698 of 2018) none of the other alleged conspirators including Mr Ali Bunow Korane and his brother Mohammed Bunow have been arrested and charged”. reads the letter to DPP.

The family claim that there is pressure from both political and high leadership fronts to stall and ultimately to sweep under the rag the arrest and charging of the aforesaid suspects.

The family has also dismissed rumours circulated claiming that there are negotiations between the family of Idriss and that of the suspects with view to reconcile and settle the matter out of court.

” On behalf of the Idriss family, we wish to clearly and categorically confirm that they have neither been approached by any person about the alleged negotiations nor are they interested in circumventing the legal process of investigation and prosecution. Moreover, should any such attempt be made by anyone, the family of Idriss will unequivocally and categorically reject the same as they are not interested in blood money”. Said the letter.

The letter also brought DPP on the attention that Idriss is unconscious after the unfortunate shooting on the 19th August this year and the bullet is still lodged in his head.

Similarly the family says it would like to see the law take its course and is desirous of seeing the other conspirators brought to book as soon as possible.

Last month, high Court overturned a magistrate decision that released on bail two accused persons charged with attempted murder of former Garissa finance Executive Idris Aden Muktar.

The judge suspended the order to release Mohamud Hussein Aden and Juliet Charity Njoki after victim family lawyer Charles Kanyama applied for revision.

“In circumstances an order of stay of release of Mohamud Hussein Aden and Juliet Charity Njoki is hereby granted pending the hearing and determination of this application interpartes on 27 September 2018 at 2:30 pm” ordered the judge.

The judge further ordered the deputy registrar to call for the original trial court record so that the same is before court.

City Lawyer Charles Kanyama applied for review of ruling made by Nairobi Chief Magistrate Francis Andayi that released the two accused person on cash bail yesterday afternoon.

The Magistrate released Muhammud Hussein Aden and Juliet Charity Njoki on a cash bail of 500,000 and bond of 1 million and two surety. They were also ordered to deposit their traveling documents in court

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