Platinum Distillers Limited Michael Njoroge King’ara with Co-directors of Multiplan packaging limited Mary Wanjiru Kinyua before Nairobi Chief Magistrate court.


A director with Distillers Limited linked to importation of ethanol worth Sh 40 million without a license has been charged before a Nairobi court.

Michael Njoroge Kingara the director with the company was charged alongside Mary Wanjiru Kinyua before Milimani Chief Magistrate Francis Andayi where they denied several charges of importation of restricted goods, conspiracy to contravene the provisions of East Africa community, making a false declaration and importation of excisable goods without a license.

Prosecution alleges that Njoroge together with his co-directors namely Multiplan Packaging Limited and Bureau Veritas-India on diverse dates between February 12 and 23, 2019 at Inland container depot in Nairobi county falsely and jointly with others not before court were found having declared the import of restricted goods (ethanol) with a dutiable value of Sh 40 million which contravened the provisions as set out in law.

The court heard that Platinum Distillers Limited director Njoroge, Multiplan Packaging Limited, Bureau Veritas-India are accused that on diverse dates between February 12 and February 23,2019at Inland container depot Nairobi , being directors falsely and jointly with others not before court you were found having falsely declared the import product as raw material propylene glycol which was ethanol with a dutiable value of shilling 40,000,000 with a view to reduce tax liability , as such contravened the provisions as set out in law.

The court heard that Njoroge, Wanjiru, Onesmus Muturi Mburu, John Waweru Ndegwa, Plantinum Distillers Limited , Multiplan Packaging Limited, Bureau Veritas-India that on diverse dates between February 12 and February 23, 2019 at Inland container depot Nairobi being directors falsely and jointly with others not before court conspired to smuggle unconstomed goods (ethanol) 40×1000 litres of ethanol with a dutiable value of Sh 40 million while using motor vehicle registration KBT 328 ZE 8104 container number MSKU 2925129 and KBJ 806 ZE 1353 container number BMOU 2443144 evade taxes .

Njoroge , Multiplan Packaging Limited and Bureau Veritas-India are separately accused at Inland container depot Nairobi being directors falsely and jointly with others not before court were found having imported excisable goods with excisable liability of value Sh 8,416,000.

The magistrate released Njoroge on bond of Sh 3 million and cash bail of a Sh 2 million while Wanjiru was released on a cash bail of 1 million.

The rest of accused persons did not plead to charges since they have not been arrested.

Andayi ordered the matter to be heard April 30.

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