Attempt by Galot Group of companies to stay criminal proceedings in a criminal trial where three of it’s managers accused of perjury has failed.
This is after the trial magistrate Martha Mutuku declined to stay the proceeds against Rajeev Modi, Pushpinder Singh Mann and Jophece Yego and instead directed the parties to serve other parties to enable them respond to the application.
Galot Industries Limited, Manchester Outfitters Limited and Kingwoolen Mills Limited in their application is seeking to stay the criminal proceedings against the three senior officials pending hearing and determination.
It is also seeking to terminate the criminal proceedings against Rajeev Modi , Pushpinder Singh Mann and Jophece Yego who are facing perjury charges who are the officers of the Galot group companies.
They also want court to direct Director of Criminal investigation be immediately commence investigations into the conduct of Pravin Galot together with Michael K. Sang and Erick Murithi for making of the false report and statements precipitating the charges facing the accused persons.
They said Pravin Galot together with Michael K. Sang and Erick Murithi are not directors of Galot Companies.
Rajeev Modi , Pushpinder Singh Mann and Jophece Yego are charged that on February 26 last year at LDK House Dunga road in Nairobi county convened a meeting purportedly as directors and company secretary respectively of Galot Industries Limited and nominated Rajeev Modi so as to aid him to swear an affidavit for purpose of withdrawing criminal case Number. 276 of 2018 which is currently before the Chief Magistrates court ( city court) a fact they knew to be false.
Rajeev Modi is alone accused on March 2 last year at St George’s House Parliament road in Nairobi county falsely made oath before Alice Jonathan Gulenywa a commissioner of oaths , in an affidavit to be filed in criminal case number 276 of 2018 before city court one in an attempt to have the case withdrawn from court by purporting to be a director of Galot Industries Limited, Manchester Outfitters Limited and Kingwoollen Mills Limited.
They claimed Pravin Galot made a false report to the officers of DCI on the basis that he is a director of the companies.
They said the companies doesn’t have complaint against the accused persons.
Rthey claimed Pravin gave malicious information to the DCI officers with intention to cause Pushpinder Singh Mann and Jophece Yogo to be apprehended and charged before court knowing that the same was false.
The companies alleged Pravin has fabricated evidence that he is a Director of the said companies and he has intention of deceiving the court.