Two senior ICT Safaricom employees have been charged in a Nairobi court with obtaining Sh 300 million by Menaces.
The two,Safaricom ICT Director Simon Billy Kinuthia and his junior officer Brian Njoroge Wamatu appeared before Milimani Chief Magistrate Francis Andayi and denied two charges of Computer fraud and obtaining money by menaces.
Prosecution alleges that the duo unlawfully copied and transferred privileged Safaricom subscriber’s data information from Safaricom company database to unauthorized person namley Charles Njuguna Kimani.
They also face a charge of demanding money by menace where being employees of Safaricom they demanded Sh 300,000 from their employer Safaricom Kenya limited with intent to steal.
The two are alleged to have committed the offences between May 1, 2019 and June 7,2019 at Safaricom offices in Westlands, Nairobi.
After denying the charges the prosecution made an application for the accused persons to be reporting to DCI serious crimes unit two times a week.
However the accused opposed the request by the state saying that reporting twice a week is not necessary but once a week will enable the completion of investigations.
They also cited that they are employees of Safaricom and their jobs will be at stake if they do not report to work in the next 48 hours.
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