Former Tetu Member of Parliament and two others have been charged with creating disturbance before a Nairobi Court.
James Ndung’u Gethinji , Chacha Mabanga and Frankline Mutegi Kaburu appeared before Milimani Chief Magistrate Martha Mutuku and pleaded not guilty.
They are accused that on July 2, 2019 at Kihingo village Kitsuru estate in Nairobi jointly with others not before court created disturbance in a manner likely to cause breach of peace by interfering and stopping renovation of a house belonging to Dhanji Varsani.
Kaburu is also accused on the same dates and place assaulted city lawyer George Wajackoyah and Dhanji thereby occasioning them actual bodily harm.
Kaburu is also accused of damaging a sweater worth 1000.
The three were released the on a cash bail of 50,000 and bond of 100,000 pending hearing and determination of their criminal trial.
The prosecution opposed the accused to be released on bail pending a detailed medical examination report in respect of the injuries sustained by the two.
The court had that Ndungu is a former MP and former chairperson of departmental committee on defence and foreign relations and hence an influential person with capacity to interfere with the witnesses and trial if released on bail.
The case was fixed for hearing on October 22,
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