Director of Public Prosecution Noordin Haji has opposed the release on bond, of two police officers charged with the murder of two residents of Garissa.
In the application, the DPP wants Adan Ibrahahim Salat and Abdirahman Roble Samow denied bail on grounds that they face serious offence of murder, which are carries death penalty, if found guilty.
The two officers have since denied that on July 25 this year at Soko Ngombe Area of Garissa Township in Garissa sub-county, they jointly murdered Aden Abdi Madhobe and Mudhidin Aden Mudhow.
The prosecution added that if the two officers are released, they are likely to interfere with the key witnesses who are members of the Garissa township community living with their families and conducting businesses in the area.
“The threat to release the accused will cause them to be apprehensive and reluctant to give their crucial testimony in court,” reads the court papers.
The families of the deceased persons also reside in the same area and are eager to give their testimony and hear the testimony of the witnesses and see the court dispense justice, the DPP said.
He added that the court and the wider criminal justice system has a duty to ensure the protection of victims of crime and provide a platform for their views to be provided to court.
“Taking into account that the accused are police officers who can access weapons or use other means of causation against them and their families,” added prosecution.
The application also stated that there has been public anger in relation to acts of police abuse within the country which have caused deaths of innocent Kenyans.
However Salat and Samow opposed the prosecution application saying they are family men and not a flight risk.
They added that if the prosecution is apprehensive they will interfere with witnesses, they will stay away from their station in Garissa and stay with their relatives in Nairobi.
The two DCI officers further said they have not been involved in any previous criminal activities and were mistakenly arrested due to confusion caused by fracas in Garissa Township on material day.