Owner of a gas supplying company Derrick Kimathi,National Environment Management Authority(NEMA) officials Joseph Makau and David Ong'are before court./PHOTO BY IRENE ONYANGO.


The owner of a gas supplying company that exploded and killed six people in Embakasi has been brought before a Milimani court as police sought to detain them for three weeks to allow them complete investigations into the incident.
Derrick Kimathi was arraigned alongside three officials of the National

Environmental Management Authority (NEMA), as police probe cases of negligence that led to the disastrous incident on Saturday night.

The Nema officials Joseph Makau, David Warunya Ong’are and Mariam Mutete Kioko. The blast killed six people and left more than 300 nursing serious injuries.

The Investigation Officer Isaac Tenai sought to detain the suspects for 21 days to enable him complete the probe before preferring charges against them.

“Your honour, we need time to record statements from relatives of the six deceased persons and the wounded people who are still in the hospital, traumatized and undergoing treatment in various hospitals here in Nairobi,” said Tenai.

The officers informed the court that he requires time to examine the crime scene, which was reduced to debris, the buildings that were affected as well as the cars that were destroyed in the explosion.

He said the police will sieve through the debris to establish the magnitude of the damage and possibly recover more bodies, which may have been trapped since the scene had been secured.

Tenai told the court that the four are being investigated for the offences of murder, conspiracy to commit a felony, Conspiracy to destroy properties among other offenses.

Supporting the submissions, prosecutors James Gachoka and Dorcas Rugut told the court that they were in sync with the police’ application to detain the suspects for 21 days saying that the incident is a matter of great public interest and a national disaster.

The police told the court that before the suspects were arrested on February 5, 2024 they had gone into hiding and it was only after a public posts on their arrest was put out did they turn themselves in.

The incident occurred on the night between 1st and 2nd February 2024 arising from a massive explosion at Murai Gas Project in Embakasi which caused death and damages amounting to millions on vehicles and buildings.

The four suspects are alleged to have committed the offences within a span of 4 years between 2020 and February 2, 2024.

The police hinted to the court that the detention period is to also ensure the safety of suspects as members of the public are curious to see justice served upon the victims and families of the deceased.

The defence lawyers led by Karathe Wadungi opposed to the submission of detaining the suspects claiming it will be against their constitutional rights.

He said that suspects be freed on bond and given an option to report to the police after every three days as the investigation goes on.

He added that completion the suspects will comply with the conditions that will be given by the court.

The court is yet to give directions on the ruling dates of the matter.