Alleged Directors of Wendano Matuu Company Limited Stephen Ndambuki Muli, Onesmus Muisyo Kimatu, Benedict Mackenzie Mutuku and Harrison Nzioki Muya before Milimani Magistrate court where they denied forgery charges./PHOTO BY IRENE ONYANGO.


Four directors of a Machakos land buying firm have been charged with forging minutes of a special general meeting.

Stephen Ndambuki Muli, Onesmus Muisyo Kimatu, Benedict Mackenzie Mutuku and Harrison Nzioki Muya, who are directors of Wendano Matuu Company Limitedappeared before Milimani Principal Magistrate Gilbert Shikwe and denied the charges levelled against them. 

The five are accused of jointly made false Minutes of special general meeting of Wendano Matuu Company Limited held on 14th February 2020 at Wendano offices purporting to be a genuine minute issued by the company. 

It is alleged that they forged the minutes on 1st July 2020 with intent to deceive.

The accused persons also denied charges of creating false minutes and resolutions of a Special General Meeting, in which they were allegedly appointed as directors.

The charge sheet stated that they claimed the meeting was held at the company’s offices.

Ndambuki, Muisyo, Mackenzie and Nzioki are also charged with forging signatures of key individuals, including Elizabeth Mutuku and Richard Mbalu l, which were submitted to Kangundo Law Court on 1st July 2020.

Additionally, they are facing another charge of forging a CR 12 document dated February 25, 2014, purporting it to be an authentic document issued by the Registrar of Companies.

The prosecution told the court that the acts of making a false document and forging signatures were committed with intent to deceive and to misrepresent the legitimacy of company records allowing the accused to alter with the company records.

While opposing their release on bond, the prosecution said Ndambuki was a flight risk as he often dodges police summons.

Magistrate Shikwe released the accused on a bond of Sh 200,000 each or an alternative cash bail of Sh 100,000 each.

The court also ordered the accused persons to produce one contact persons to secure their release on bail.

The matter is to be mentioned on the 20th January 2025 for pretrial directions.

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