Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) has moved to court seeking to detain a driver linked to fake cement for thirty days pending investigations.

In a miscellaneous application filed in court, DCI want trailer driver James Murithi Anampiu detained for 30 days pending investigations into alleged case of being in possession of counterfeit goods.

DCI through investigating officer sergeant Samuel Itegi attached at DCI headquarters Operations Support Unit, there have been numerous incidents of buildings collapsing during the construction and the same is directly attributed to poor quality cement which is a matter of grave public concern due to the lives lost during such incidents.

“Due to these concerns, a multi-agency team was formed to investigate the matter and come up with proposals to curb the menace and in the course of these investigations, they found out that there are unscrupulous businessmen who after purchasing cement from legitimate factories, adulterate the same by interfering with the bag weights before selling,” Sergeant Itegi told Milimani Principal Magistrate Gilbert Shikwe.

DCI is seeking for custodial order for the respondents to be detained at Capitol Hill Police station for a period of thirty (30) days pending analysis report

“I pray this court to grant an order for the respondents to be detained at Capitol Hill Police station for completion of investigations,” pleaded the officer.

Investigating officer further told the court that other instances they add on an adulterant known as Pozzolanic dust in a bid to enhance the quantities and earn more profit but the net effect is that in the process, they interfere with the approved industry ratios hence compromised standards of quality in the cement that is sold to unsuspecting members of the public.

Magistrate Shikwe heard that on 20th day of December 2024, the team moved into action and several brands of cement were recovered from various hardwares and cement sellers including Kitengela cement company owner who were arraigned in court but the said respondent who was driving a lorry Reg no. KAQ 600B Mitsubishi FH which was had part of the cement under investigations but managed to escape narrowly.

On 7th of January 2025 the respondent re-surfaced in an effort to have the lorry released but was eventually apprehended.

Sergeant Itegi told the court that the recovered bags of cement which are now exhibits were forwarded to Kenya Bureau of Standards for forensic analysis.

“Analysis is still on going with a view of ascertaining the quality and quantity of the products. The said analysis is technical because of the laid down industry procedure involved in coming up with the report since Cement matures in 28 days in order to give accurate test results and the technical team would require at least thirty (30) days to finalize,” court heard.

Additionally our investigations are incomplete as more witnesses are yet to record their statements in regards to the matter.

“we are further apprehensive that if the respondent is released on cash bail, he is likely to abscond considering his past behaviour,” officer told the court.

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