Nairobi County Chief of Staff George Wainaina and Nairobi senator Mike Sonko who accused Wainaina for attempting to bribe him to stop documenting how the said senior officers are constructing private and development houses using public fund.

Embattled Nairobi County Chief of Staff George Wainaina Njogu will remain in office pending the hearing of the application he is seeking to stay criminal proceedings before the Anti-corruption trial court where he is facing graft charges for attempting to bribe Nairobi Senator Mike Sonko with a 1 million shilling.

Justice Isaac Lenaola issued the order on the grounds that EACC, DPP and Senator Sonko will not suffer any prejudice since High court matter will be heard before the hearing by the trial court.

“The parties to appear before me on February 2 for inter-party hearing of the matter,” said Lenaola.

The defense said that the process of prosecution was taken within the normal time.

“Once a civil servant is charged in court, the accused is supposed to be suspended from of office pending the conclusion of his or her trial” said lawyer Ochieng.

Embattled Nairobi County Chief of Staff last week sensationally claimed that Nairobi senator Mike Sonko allegedly solicited Sh 7 million from him in order to drop corrupt charges against him.
Through his lawyer James Ochieng’,Wainina claims that the process of prosecuting him was unconstitutional.

In his documents filed in the high court, seeking to stay the criminal proceedings against him, he has faulted Director of Public Prosecution and Ethics and Anti-corruption commission for failing to conduct proper investigations.

In his court documents, County official claim’s the city politician tried to solicit the money through Nairobi TNA party chairman John Njoroge and Brian Kamau Mugo.

According to the documents, the two intimated they had been requested and authorized by the senator broker and resolve the dispute.

“The two floated a figure of Shs7 million payments to the politician to facilitate the withdrawal of the bribery case facing Wainaina” state the documents.

Wainaina adds the two also called his brother namely Moses Wainaina Njogu and John Gichua Njogu with the same proposal.

He says the decision of DPP and EACC at the instigation of Senator Sonko to arrest and prosecute him without proper investigations and making public disparaging press statements without evidence is aimed as a criminal besmirching as a the chief of staff.

“The findings of the respondents are not based on any factual information based on investigations” argues Wainaina.

He has accused the office of Director of Public Prosecution of abusing powers following a decision to arrest and prosecute him hence violating of his constitutional rights and freedom.

“This is submissions of administration of justice and it’s aimed at illegal curtailing the petitioner personal liability contrary to the constitution” he claims.

Ochieng added that unless the petition is certified urgent the respondent will continue with the prosecution process which he terms illegal.

George Wainaina NjoguIS accused of bribing Nairobi Senator Mike Sonko to stop documenting how the said senior officers are constructing private and development houses using public fund.

Wainaina is accused that on January 5, 2016 at Kenyatta International Conference Center at Senator Hon Mike Sonko office being a person employed by a public body by Nairobi County Government as Chief OF Staff corruptly offered benefit of Kshs,1,000,000 to senator Mike Sonko as an inducement for him to stop pursuing the matter where he had invited the media to accompany him in documenting how the said senior officers are constructing private and development houses using public fund, a matter relating to the affair’s of the said public body.

He denied all the charges and Principal Magistrate Felix Kombo released him on bond of Sh2million or a Sh800, 000 cash bail or remains in custody until his grafts case is heard and determined.

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