Abdikadir Mohamed Gurrow, Kelvin Kithuka Kyalo and Hassan Mohamud Ahmed before Court./PHOTO BY IRENE ONYANGO.


Nairobi Court has released a Mandera Politician, Forex Bureau dealer and another on a bond of Sh500 ,000 pending investigations into allegations of stealing Sh13 million.

Milimani Senior Principal Magistrate Robinson Ondiek ruled there was not compelling reasons to continue detention Abdikadir Mohamed Gurrow(Forex Bureau dealer) and Hassan Mohamud Ahmed(Mandera Politician) and released them on bond of Sh500,000. The co-suspect Kelvin Kithuka Kyalo was released on a cash bail of Sh100,000.

This is after Kilimani police has asked a Nairobi court to allow them to detain a forex dealer and two accomplices for seven days as they complete investigations into theft of Sh13 million.

Seargent Samuel Macharia said they are investigating court Abdikadir Mohamed Gurrow, Kelvin Kithuka Kyalo and Hassan Mohamud Ahmed, forex dealer for stealing Sh13,350,000.

The officer said the complainant claimed that he wanted to buy US dollars for his business and was connected to Gurrow and Kyalo.

He said the parties exchanged details on where the money will be deposited and the complainant transferred through RTGS , from Equity bank and Sh13,350,000 from his account to Royal Empire Investment at Gulf African Bank ltd jointly owned by Gurrow and Kyallo.

Preliminary investigations by the police revealed that Sh6.5 million was withdrawn and the remainder were transferred to Asmara Ventures ltd account which belongs to Gurrow.

The money was further distributed to several accounts owned by the three and their accomplices in a fraudulent process.

“The investigations are not complete and for the purpose of forming a substantive charge, the investigation officer to forward the recovered mobile phones to cybercrime forensic laboratory for extraction and analysis of the communication details and the three to appear for identification,” sergeant Macharia said.

The officer further told the court that Gurrow and Ahmed are of questionable nationalities and are therefore a flight risk because they have no known fixed place of abode.

Sergeant Macharia further told the court he needs time for the three to assist in the recovery of the stolen money and arrest the alleged mastermind identified as Mohamud Isack.

The officer said reliable sources indicate that Isack is plotting to jet out of the country.

“It’s believed some amount of money is still at the suspects account and if released they might withdraw the money,” sergeant Macharia told the court.

The court will make a ruling on Wednesday after suspects lawyers opposed the application claiming police were engaging in debt collection.