Lawyer Cliff Ombeta with police officer Titus Musila, alias Katitu who is alleged to have killed Kenneth Kimani and Oscar Muchoki in September 2014 outside Milimani law court’s on Tuesday October 11, 2016(PHOTO BY SAM ALFAN).

Lawyer Cliff Ombeta with police officer Titus Musila, alias Katitu who is alleged to have killed Kenneth Kimani and Oscar Muchoki in September 2014 outside Milimani law court’s on Tuesday October 11, 2016(PHOTO BY SAM ALFAN).


The prosecution has closed its case against a Githurai police officer charged with the murder of two brothers two years ago.

According to the prosecution, police officer Titus Musila, alias Katitu is alleged to have killed Kenneth Kimani and Oscar Muchoki in September, 2014.

Out of 22 witnesses only 18 stood at the witness dock to testify against Mr Katitu.

The court heard those two witnesses, the mother and sister to the deceased are in Norway and attempts to have them testify in the case have been futile.

State prosecutor Catherine Mwaniki said that the statements of the two cannot be produced in court since they were not present during the incident adding that they were just informed.

“Evidence produced in court by the 18 prosecution witnesses is sufficient to stand in for the two witnesses who are in Norway,” Ms Mwaniki.

The defense however insists that the two witnesses are key in the case since they will help them know the characters of the two deceased persons.

The defense case is that the two brothers were thieves who used to terrorize people in Githurai 45, Zimmerman and Githurai Kimbo.  The defense further claims that Mr Kimani was shot dead after he snatched a phone from a passenger who was in a matatu.

The court will make its ruling on November 3, this year on whether the two will testify or not.

Constable Katitu’s arrest and prosecution provoked a three-day protest on the Thika Superhighway by residents, who demanded his immediate and unconditional release.


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