Former Mungiki leader Maina Njenga with his lawyer Evans Ondieki accompanied by Maina supporters leaving Milimani law court's building after political parties tribunal directed his case seeking to compel Jubilee Party to accept his nomination papers to be heard tomorrow on Monday March 6, 2017 (PHOTO BY S. A. N).
EX-Mungiki leader Maina Njenga now wants the Political Parties Dispute to compel Jubilee Party to accept his nomination papers unconditionally.
He also wants a declaration that the decision by IEBC to reject his nomination papers as illegal, null and void.
In a certificate of urgency before the tribunal he is also seeking a declaration that his political right were violated by the respondents.
Maina Njenga through his lawyer Evans Ondieki says the Jubilee Party in rejecting his nomination papers failed to follow, respect and promote the values and principles of democracy.
The party rejected his nomination papers on account of instructions from the party leader president Uhuru Kenyatta and Deputy President William Ruto.
“The decision to reject my nomination papers on account of instructions from the party leader and deputy party leader is dictatorial, unreasonable and unjustified in an open and just democratic society, “Maina argues.
In his affidavit, he says that he is not and has never been a Mungiki member.
“I am a God fearing person and I believe in Jesus Christ .I have never been a member of prescribed organization and the government should furnish evidence on the contrary, “he argues
 He claims that he has spent over 100 million shillings campaigning for Jubilee Party.
 “I am a member of Jubilee Party and I was born and bred in Laikipia County, I believe that the constitution indicates that IEBC and Jubilee party should act in a transparent and accountable manner, ”said Njenga.
Maina Njenga with his supporters outside political parties tribunal on Monday.
Maina Njenga with his supporters outside political parties tribunal on Monday.
In the court documents, Maina claims to have been registered and paid the requisite legal fees seeking for Laikipia senatorial seat on a Jubilee Party Ticket and paid 50, 000 Shillings .He claims that he has a right to protection of the law and full benefit of the law under the law.
Maina says he will suffer irreparable damage if the rejection of his nomination papers are not quashed as it offends the constitution.
The Ex Mungile leader claims said he has complied with all the other legal requirements claiming that he already have a Certificate of good conduct, compliance from the Kenya Revenue Authority, Compliance from the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission and the Compliance with the Credit Reference Bureau.
 “I do not appreciate the animal called ‘Mungiki’ because it was the creature of Government of Kenya to harass youths in central province and it is only the Government that can unpack this animal called mungiki, ”claims Njenga.
Njenga wants a declaration that IEBC and Jubilee party failed to take into account the take into account the values and principles protected under the constitution.
On Friday last week  Jubilee Party  rejected Maina Njenga’s nomination papers .

Njenga wants a declaration that IEBC and Jubilee party failed to take into account the take into account the values and principles protected under the constitution.

He is seeking an order directing IEBC and Jubilee party to follow, respect and observe the values and principles of democracy fairness in the execution of their mandate.

Proceedings to resume tomorrow before political parties tribunal.