Two terror suspects Ali Hussein Ali and Ibrahim Mukthtar Abashiekh accused of human trafficking before a Nairobi court where they pleaded not guilty on Wednesday May 03, 2017.


 Two suspects linked to the Magafe human trafficking network has been charged with human trafficking before a Nairobi Count.

 Ali Hussein Ali and Ibrahim Mukthtar Abashiekh are accused of buying properties using money acquired through money laundering.

 It is alleged on diverse dates between November 1 2016 and April 27 2017 at Dahabshil money transfer Mombasa, they jointly acquired and used proceeds of crime namely human trafficking of persons amounting to USD 30000 from a Abdikadir known Magafe operative of human trafficking network and purchased motor vehicles KCJ 747Z AND KBL 852 C. 

 The two suspected who appeared before Nairobi Magistrate Francis Andayi pleaded not guilty to the charges and were released on a cash bail of 100,000 and a bond of 500,000.

“I have considered all issues raised by the prosecution in their affidavit while opposing bail and I find no compelling reasons to deny the accused bond.  I order them to deposit a cash bail of 100,000 and a bond of 500,000 fail to which they be remanded in custody until the case is heard and determined by the trial court” ordered Magistrate.

Director of Public Prosecution through prosecutor Celestine Oluoch opposed the release of the accused persons on bail arguing they were facing human trafficking charges which are serious offences. 

The transaction was traced to a money transfer outlet in Mombasa, the prosecution said.They used the money to buy vehicles KCJ 747Z and KBL 852C, a charge they both deny.

 The two business associates, police say, recently started a company whose source of funds is believed to be human trafficking.

 Police say in court documents that “it is a risky business where youth are lured to travel to Europe and are smuggled out of Somalia, Kenya and other East African nations to Sudan, then cross to Libya and while on transit to Libya they are waylaid into a trap of pirates called  Magafe who then take the youth  captive and demand ransom from their families.”

Detectives from their affidavit filed in court said, families of those in captive are then contacted by the Magafe asking for ransom for kin to be released.

 Ali Hussein Ali has a network in Kenya, South Sudan through which extortion is done, court heard on Wednesday.

The captives who manage to pay the ransom are allowed to cross the Mediterranean sea “…for those who do not manage to pay are forced to join the fighting in Libya and others sold into Syria and the Arab world as slaves and ISIS terrorists.

“The worst of it all is that human body harvesting is done unwillingly to the victims, and the human body parts are sold in China while victims are left to die,” police documents state.

The money is transferred after the captive(s) are given Libyan telephone numbers to communicate with their relatives.

Once in contact and the money is ready it is remitted through and received by one Abdikadir who is a cousin to Ali.

“They have since bought two motor vehicles and pieces of land along the Kenyan coast…” reads the statement.

Two anti-terrorism police officers listed as witness in the matter. The criminal case was fixed for hearing on 1 of August