Starehe Member of Parliament Charles Kanyi alias Jaguar lifted up by his supporters outside Milimani Law Court after his election was upheld by the high c


High Court has upheld election of kigeugeu hit singer who is Starehe Member of Parliament Charles Kanyi alias Jaguar.

Justice Fred Ochieng ruled  election  was conducted in a accordance with the constitution.

“In this case the petitioner did not satisfy the evidentiary and legal burden of proof , that the elections were not conducted in accordance with the law. It therefore that the 3 respondent was validly elected as Member of Parliament for Starehe constituency” ruled Judge Ochieng.

Businessman Steve Mbogo was slapped with a cost of 10 million.

“The cost to the 1  and 2 respondents are capped at Kshs 5.0 (five) million and the costs to the 3 respondent are also capped at Kshs. 5.0 (five) million” ordered Judge Ochieng.

The judge said petitioner did not show or give evidence on the forms that were not signed.

“I find where there were discrepancies on the votes counts the petitioner has not shown evidence of the said discrepancies” said judge.

“Having given consideration to all the evidence tendered , i have come to the conclusion that elections were generally in accordance with the provisions of the constitution and also if the statutes governing elections in Kenya” ruled Judge.

He further said petitioner didn’t show evidence that there were voters who were not in the KIEMS kit . He agreed with the Returning Officer that voters used the KIEMS kit.

“Failure to sign one forms 35 A didn’t have any impact on the results it was a minor issue. There’s no prove to show that Steve Mbogo assaulted Jaguar” said judge Ochieng.

During the hearing, jaguar told the court he won fair and square.

Jaguar also told the court that he won the election without manipulation as alleged by his bitter opponent Steve Mbogo.

Jaguar told Justice Fred Ochieng  that the final votes tallied represented the will of Starehe voters.

The legislator disputed claims that voting went on in some polling stations when it was already dark despite the fact that that there was no light.

He also dismissed claims that some presiding officers were signing election forms before counting the votes.

He said that if there were any mistakes which he doubts there were, then they could be attributed to human errors.

Njagua said that the people voted him, he combed Starehe Constituency persuading voters to vote for him and that is how he emerged the winner with an overwhelming  majority.

Earlier, Mbogo had told the court that he was attacked and his agent stabbed.

He said he was denied entrance at some polling stations and claimed that there was massive ballot stuffing by Njagua.

He asked the court to order fresh elections for Starehe Parliamentary seat by IEBC.