
Former Registrar of Judiciary Glady Shollei when appeared before Nairobi Anti-corruption to face misuse of office charges.


Former judiciary registrar Gladys Shollei has moved to the High Court seeking to bar the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission and the Director of Public Prosecution Keriako Tobiko from having her arrested or charged over abuse of office allegations.

Mrs Shollei said that “piecemeal investigations and prosecutions will inevitably deprive her of a fair hearing “as enshrined in the constitution.

The charges are related to the construction of court houses in Tawa, Mavoko and Garsen at a cost of Sh150 million.

Seven of her colleagues mentioned in the case were charged with abuse of office at a Nairobi court.

They are accused of starting the construction of pre-fabricated court buildings on January 17, 2013, without following due process.
Shollei, who was sacked from the Judiciary in October 2013, was however not in court as she was said to be away on holiday.

This comes after the Director of Public Prosecutions Keriako Tobiko recommended her prosecution alongside seven others two weeks ago for abuse of office and flouting anti-corruption laws.

The other suspects in this case are former Judiciary Deputy Chief Registrar Kakai Kissinger, former director of supply chain management Martin Otieno Okwata and former director of finance Benedict Abonyo Omollo.

They are alleged to have favoured Timsales Limited Company for a contract to construct prefabricated court buildings in Mavoko.

They are also alleged to have varied the terms and conditions of the contract without the approval of the tender committee for the sole benefit of Timsales Limited.

They have also been charged with unilaterally increasing the advance down payment for the contract that was paid out to the contractor from ten percent to 50 percent without the approval of the tender committee.

Others charged are Nicholas Muturi Okemwa, a former legal officer, Nicholas Mbeba in charge of transport, Thomas Oloko Atak an IT expert and Wycliff Wanga.

Seven of those present pleaded not guilty before Principal Magistrate Felix Kombo and were released on a cash bail of Sh300,000 each or a bond of Sh1 million with sureties of similar amount.

Gladys Boss Shollei who is reported to be on holiday and was not aware she was required in court will take plea on 12th February next year when the case will come up for mention.

Principal magistrate Felix Kombo deferred Shollei’s plea to January 12, as she was out of the country.

She was directed to file motion in the next 10 days to challenge Tobiko’s decision over the ‘piecemeal’ investigations.

The matter will be heard on 21 of January for further directions.