Missing MCA- Della Ward, Minority Whip Yussuf Hussein Ahmed./PHOTO COURTESY.


The family of missing Dela Ward Member of County Assembly (MCA) Yussuf Hussein Ahmed has filed a petition seeking to compel the Directorate of Criminal Investigations to produce him or give information on his whereabouts.

His family through Abdikadir Adibdullahi Ahmed said the acting Inspector General of Police Gilbert Masengeli and the DCI boss Mohammed Amin should appear in court and explain their relative’s whereabouts.

“Unless this Court intervenes and compels police to produce the said Yussuf Hussein Ahmed before Court or any other court with the requisite jurisdiction, the Applicant and his family will continue to live with anxiety and stress caused by the forced disappearance and abduction of their loved one without the benefit of being subjected to any legal proceedings,” said the family in the petition.

The family said the whereabouts of Hussein remains unknown and unaccounted for and there is reasonable fear that he was abducted by police officers.

They said the police have refused to either allow his family to visit him in custody or refused to present him before a court of law, in case there are charges against him.

The family said their kin went missing on the night of September 13, 2024 at South B estate.

They alleged that he was forcefully removed from a taxi that he had ordered from the said estate at 8pm and bundled into another vehicle.

Through lawyer Danstan Omari the family argue that the DCI was in violation of Hussein’s constitutional rights for not presenting him in court or relaying any information to his family on his whereabouts.

The family adds that in any the event, Hussein has an absolute right to habeas corpus and to fair trial, and should thus be subjected to due process of the law other than abducting him and leaving his loved ones worrying of his whereabouts.

Omari said a taxi driver Wambui Kioko picked him from South C estate but on their way to the destination, he was stopped by another vehicle.

He said the taxi driver said two vehicles blocked his way at the junction of Enterprise Road and Lusaka road.

“On the 13th September, 2024 I was along Muhoho Avenue in South C estate within Nairobi when Yussuf Hussein Ahmed requested for a taxi around 8pm and the request popped on my Faras Taxi Account which i accepted and picked him at the Halai estate gate, along Muhoho Avenue and we drove along Ole Shapara road towards Mombasa road and then exited to Lusaka road,” stated Kioko.

Omari added that the driver stated that he told the police that five people excluding the driver, exited the black car with five guns, one each one of which had a gun and in black and white mask while the rest were not masked.

It is alleged that one of the unknown men came to the passenger seat where Yussuf was sitting and shouted ‘Toka! Toka! Toka!’ as they opened the passenger door.

“The four men forcefully got Hussein out of my vehicle and bundled him into their black Prado in front of me while the masked man was still holding the gun to my face was still at my door,” said Kioko.

The family said they afraid as remains unaccounted for since the abduction.

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