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Ms Muthoni Kuria who has been appointed as the new Chairperson of Chase Banks board.

Chase Bank has appointed Ms Muthoni Kuria as the new Chairperson of Chase Banks board.

Ms Kuria has served on the Board for over three year, is a career banker and certified public accountant and holds an MBA as well as serving on other boards.

Mr Paul Njaga , also a banker having worked with BNP Paribas and as Chief Finance Officer at Equity Bank and worked with the firm since December 2014 continues as the Chief Executive Officer.

“The Chairman and the board of Chase Bank would like to inform its customers, partners and the general public of the following changes to the bank’s board”, Ms Kuria said today in a statement.

Ms Kuria added that following the publication of the 2015 financial statements Mr Zafrullah Khan and Mr Duncan Kabui have stepped aside from the positions of chairman and Group Managing Director respectively.

“The board would like to reassure all its customers, partners and the general public that Chase Bank is a strong, sound and transparent institution that has operated in Kenya for the last 20 years,” Ms Kuria said.

She also noted that the shareholders of the bank who are from Germany, France and Switzerland have fully supported the changes, and remain committed to the partnership with the bank.

Chase Bank is one of the leading commercial banks giving loans to business owners operating small and medium sized enterprises.

In 2015, the bank lent excess of Ksh 22 billion to small businesses out of a loan book of Ksh 103 billion and is ranked 11th in terms of balance sheet size in the Kenyan banking industry with its assets valued at Ksh 143 billion. Its core capital stands at over Ksh 11 billion as at December 31, 2015.

Ms Kuria said that Chase Bank counts on several strategic institutional investors to support its socially inclusive growth plans and would like to reassure the general public that customers’ funds and investments are safe.

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Panamanian company Mossack Fonseca which is involved in the largest corruption scandal.


The largest corruption scandal has shaken the planet. The American International Consortium of Investigative Journalists published more than 2.6 terabytes of data and 11.5 million secret documents from the Panamanian company Mossack Fonseca; this is several times greater than Wikileaks.

The Panama Papers leak, according to whistleblowers, accuses prominent politicians of using offshore schemes, and thus indirectly indicates the presence of corruption within a large part of the world’s political elite. The investigation materials refer to the president of Russia Vladimir Putin, British Prime Minister David Cameron, Ukrainian and Azerbaijani Presidents Poroshenko and Aliyev, and even Saudi King Salman, and this is only a few of the names on the list.

The scale of the published information indicates that this is the fruit of the work of not only “independent journalists”, but also state or large private intelligence corporations. If this is so, then the new scandal has specific geopolitical objectives. Due to the large number of published documents, checking their authenticity is not possible in the short term, which means that they are open to manipulation, especially in the media sphere.

The most frequently mentioned person affected by the scandal in the Western media is, of course, Vladimir Putin. The damaging information against the Russian president is a direct attack by the ruling circles of the West, and a tool of pressure against the President and a significant part of the Russian elite.

They are forcing Russia to renounce an independent foreign policy, using the “exposure” and media hype around them as a tool. It is significant that the “independent journalists” also rushed to publish damaging material against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and President of South Africa Jacob Zuma. The West is leading a direct war against the former, and is trying to oust the latter because of his pro-Russian and pro-Chinese stance.

But if Putin’s name is not mentioned in the published documents, and if the “evidence” gathered against the Russian president is indirect, two other post-Soviet leaders, Ilham Aliyev and his family, and Petro Poroshenko, are mentioned directly. It is significant that on the eve of the publication of the material, Aliyev, during his visit to the United States, decided to launch a war in Nagorno-Karabakh. Coincidence? I do not think so. Aliyev and Poroshenko’s inclusion in the Panama Papers is a sign that the West now holds the leadership of these countries on a short leash.

Let’s see who else appears in the published documents; the list is very interesting. There are Saudi King Salman, the current pro-American President of Argentina Mauricio Macri, as well as former presidents of the country Cristina and Nestor Kirchner, who on the contrary were against US hegemony, the father of British Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron, the former Emir of Qatar and current President of the United Arab Emirates, the former Prime Minister of China, and several other large Chinese officials. At first glance, it is strange company; who is the major global player in the world who is playing against them all?

This is not the pattern of US intelligence, or rather, not only the US intelligence services. This person has to be globally influential, anti-Russia and anti-Putin, anti-China, must project negative sentiments towards authoritarian Arab monarchies and right liberals such as Cameron and left-liberals like Macri. Someone very much like George Soros.

The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists is a project of the American liberal Non-Governmental Organization Center for Public Integrity. It is the largest American non-profit organization that is dedicated to investigative journalism. In 1996, it launched a campaign against paleo-conservative US presidential candidate Patrick Buchanan, which was performed by Soros to force his withdrawal from the electoral campaign.

Among the official sponsors of independent journalists: “Open Society” Foundation (Soros Foundation), Sunlight Foundation (receives most of their funding from Soros), the MacArthur Foundation, Knight Foundation, Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Carnegie Endowment, Omidyar Network of the founder of eBay – ultra-liberal and globalist Pierre Omidyar etc.

The United States Center for Public Integrity and the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists participate in a multi-year media war, which Soros launched against the Koch-brothers, billionaires associated with right-wing Republican circles. Periodically, during the campaign, Soros’ journalists were convicted of outright fraud, violating US law, and distorting facts.

The nature of the majority of exposés of the Consortium of Investigative Journalists shows that this structure primarily serves as a propaganda tool in the hands of Soros. For example, see the anti-Koch brothers and EU leadership-directed Luxembourg leaks. After Soros started the game against the Swiss franc, “independent journalists” investigated “money laundering” in Swiss banks.

Interestingly, Heinz Endowments, headed by wife of US Secretary of State Teresa Heinz Kerry, was previously listed as a sponsor of both structures. Soros once financed her husband when he was a candidate for the post of US President (as well as Obama and Hillary Clinton today). So, the connection between the current administration and the financial speculator is very strong. Do you remember Kerry’s mysterious suitcase at his recent visit to Moscow?

The list of the world leaders that have fallen out of favor shows that the offshore scandal is the result of a public-private partnership. All persons involved are Soros’ opponents, but when they are also the US’ geopolitical enemies, the most serious charges are put forward. On the contrary, in the case of Cameron and Macri, it implicates their family business, and at first glance is not related to their work as leaders of their respective countries.

Liberal Left figures associated with Soros himself, who actively use offshore companies for financial speculation, do not appear anywhere on the lists.

When Soros bought Kerry, and is currently buying Hillary Clinton, massively investing in their campaign budgets, or gives money to the US Democratic Party, it is not considered corruption as well as dark schemes that liberal politicians use worldwide.

Interestingly, the new revelation of the century is directed primarily against the politicians. In essence, it massively discredits the global political class as such. The liberal ideology of Soros’ “Open Society” aids the rejection of politics; it is replaced by economic transactions and deals. The final barrier, in some cases a barrier to the establishment of the power of money, is liquidated.

That is why Soros, for example, is funding leftist movements directed against the political establishment across the world, and the aforementioned Pierre Omidyar, another sponsor of the Consortium of Investigative Journalists, has put forward the project of a post-political world.


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Four county askaris Ambani Akasi alias Wasi Wasi Alfred Maranya alias Brown, Marigo Protus Magara Alias Sarara and Julius Omanyo Ochieng linked with the killing of Hawkersin Nairobi at Milimani law court on Tuesday February 2, 2016.


High court Criminal division has released four city Council askari accused of killing hawkers on a bond of 2million and same surety. He ordered them to execute cash bail of 500,000 each to secure their freedom.

Justice James Wakiaga said the prosecution had failed to show how the accused persons could intimidate and interfere with witness.

He further directed City Inspectorate Department to redeploy them from Central Business Center (CBD) to other sections of the city.

Prosecutor Catherine Mwaniki had argued there security demand’s they should remain in custody.   However the accused lawyer’s said bond is their constitutional Rights.

The lawyers also said the accused persons had been performing their functions at Nairobi City Council without any threat.

The four council askaris are being accused to be behind a spate of killings of hawkers in Nairobi.

They were ordered to report to Officer in charge (OCS) Central police station after every 30 days

Two ladies were charged with an offence of damaging a motor vehicle belonging to the county government.

Ms Josephine Wambui and Ms Naomi Ndida appeared before Nairobi Chief Magistrate Daniel Ogembo where they denied the charge.

The two are being alleged as prosecution key witnesses in a murder case against three Nairobi county askaris have been with murder.

The accused are expected to give evidence against Mr Alfred Ongesi alias Brown and Mr Julius Ochieng who have been charged with killing Mr Irungu Kamau, a hawker, on September 2013 at Nyam Hotel along Duruma Road Nairobi.

Four of them were arrested after Nairobi senator Mike Sonko intervened after hawkers sought his help.

The suspect, Mr Protus Sakala alias Salala, was arrested by flying squad officers, barely hours after Nairobi Senator Mike Sonko’s public outcry over the alleged harassment and killings of hawkers by rogue county askaris.

According to Sonko, at the time of the arrest, Salala, who is county askari, was armed with a ceska pistol which he says has already been confiscated by the police.


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Imenti Central Member of Parliament Gideon Mwiti at Milimani law courts on Tuesday April 6,2016.


Imenti Central Member of Parliament Gideon Mwiti has been given a second gamble to challenge his prosecution over rape.

Through his lawyer Dr John Khaminwa, the MP asked for time to follow up an appeal against a high court ruling in which a previous attempt to have his prosecution halted was refused.

Dr Khaminwa said that the MP had lodged an appeal seeking to overturn the high court ruling on grounds that he may not get a fair trial.

The complainant’s lawyer Mr Wilfred Nderitu protested saying that the prolonged trial ‘was re-victimising and re-traumatising” the woman in question.
Mr Mwiti is charged with raping and assaulting a married woman in Westlands , Nairobi.

He is charged alongside Dr David Mwangi who is accused of aiding and failing to prevent  the commission of the alleged offence .The doctor has denied forcefully performing  a HIV test on the victim before the alleged rape. He is also charged with  neglect.

“On the night of 21st day of March, 2015, at Tana Club along Woodvale Groove Westlands within Nairobi County, while knowing that Gideon Mwiti was designing to commit a felony namely rape, failed to use all reasonable means to prevent the commission or completion of the said felony,” the charge sheet says.

Dr Khaminwa said the appeal case is pegged on grounds that the evidence against the MP was tampered with at a police station and thus he may not get a fair hearing.

“The garments the complaint was wearing were cut into two halves, one half was handed to the police while the other was retained by the complainant,” he said.

The lawyer told chief magistrate Daniel Ogembo that the police concurred that the exhibit had been tampered with in the course of investigations.

“We shall not be able to cross examine the complainant  on the garment,” Dr Khaminwa said. He said the Mp has been denied the chance to cross examine the complainant over the garment.

The Mp is expected to be charged afresh after police amended the charge sheet.

According to our sources the Mp will be charged with attempted rape instead of the earlier charge of rape.

The hearing of the appeal case is set for June 21  and 22.


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Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Willy Bett who is facing who has been summoned in court to explain why he should not be arrested and jailed for six months.

Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Willy Bett is a besieged man after the High Court summoned him to explain why he should not be arrested and jailed for six months.

CS Bett is required to appear in person before Justice George Odunga on Wednesday.

Justice Odunga wants the CS to explain the circumstances under which assets and vehicles belonging to the Agricultural Sector Coordination Unit (ASCU), which is under his ministry, were seized.

The court had issued an order that barred the CS from “interfering with the work and operations of ASCU.”

However, Agriculture Principal Secretary Richard Lesiyampe issued a letter to the ASCU asking the unit to return all its assets soon after the order was issued.

In the letter dated March 17, the PS ordered the ASCU “to return and officially hand over all vehicles which were formerly under the unit with immediate effect.”

The PS also directed the unit to hand over any other assets in its possession.

The case was filed by ASCU Coordinator Mussolini Kithome, who is also fighting impending disciplinary action by the ministry.

Justice Odunga also ordered that ASCU staff be allowed back to their offices.

Lawyer Joyner Okonjo told the court that the CS and PS were aware of the court order.

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Githurai 44 buses parked along Ronald Ngala street in Nairobi.

Nairobi County government will construct new public bus terminals in a bid to de-congest the Central Business District (CBD), Nairobi Deputy Governor Mr. Jonathan Mueke has said.

Mueke said the move is aimed at restoring order within public transport service sector which has been over the years marred with rogue habits thereby hindering a smooth co-existence with other city businesses.

He also announced a special committee that will oversee the planned constructions of the terminals to ease operations of the transport industry devoid of confusion within the CBD.

The committee members will be drawn from Nairobi City County, National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA), Matatu Owners Association, Matatu Welfare Association and other public transport stakeholders.

“This committee will stand until the Nairobi Metropolitan Transport Authority is formed,” said Mueke during a press briefing in Nairobi today.

He also pointed out that the committee will deliberate on issues that affect transport sector as well as look at previous reports so as to provide short and long term solutions such as reintroduction of cross city routes and capacity building on soon to be introduced Bus Rapid Transit (BRT).

Mueke asked all PSVs to submit copies of their permits to the county for physical verification of authenticity by 7th April, 2016.

“Those without should apply to Nairobi City County for issuance,” Mueke said while adding that an audit aimed at regularizing the PSVs operations will be done.

Chairman of Matatu Owners Association Mr. Kimutai Simon assured the Matatu owners that no one will be thrown out of the CBD and that the move is meant to manage transportation and reduce congestion.
“We must play by the rules not cause congestion in town. Let’s take it positively and embrace order,”Kimutai asserted.

Public transport operators last week protested on their planned relocation from the CBD with threats that they would go on strike over the same if they were not shown new designated points.

However normalcy was restored after their leaders called off the strike and resolved to dialogue with County

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Ministry of Health Principal Secretary Dr. Nicholas Muraguri addressing the press.

At least 16% of all persons seeking outpatient treatment in public hospitals suffer from malaria, a disease that remains a major cause of illness and death in the country.

Ministry of Health Principal Secretary Dr. Nicholas Muraguri said that even though the malaria prevalence has dropped from 11 percent in 2010 to 8 percent in 2015, the slight increment of four to eight percent in coastal region is an indication that more effort should be put to sustain the gains made.

He said prevalence in malaria in the Lake endemic region dropped from 38 percent to 24 percent while the other areas in the country remained below 5 percent.

The PS noted that the ministry was emphasizing on the need of households to use mosquito nets and having at least one long- lasting Insecticidal net (LLIN) and using preventive medicines during pregnancy, since prevention is a key strategy in malaria control.

Muraguri said ownership of nets at household level has improved with 60 percent households using LLIN as compared to 40 percent in 2010.

“At least 56 percent of children below five, sleep under long-lasting Insecticidal net compared to 39 percent in 2010 while pregnant women using the nets has  improved to 58 percent in 2015 from 36 percent in 2010,” added the PS.

He said expectant women in both the lake and Coastal endemic areas are targeted to receive preventive medicines during their pregnancy.

The PS made the remarks today in a speech read on his behalf by the Acting Director of Medical Services Dr. Jackson Kioko during the launch of the Kenya Malaria Indicator Survey (KMIS) 2015 report at a Nairobi hotel.

Muraguri said according to the survey, 90 percent of children are currently receiving the recommended medicine compared to 50 percent in 2010, an achievement he said was close to the national target of 100 percent.

He said to address the malaria burden, the ministry will continue to implement targeted interventions which include malaria diagnostics and treatment, provision of nets, spraying households, provision of preventive medicines to pregnant women, surveillance and behavior change communication activities.

PS Muraguri also commended development and technical partners for their continuous support, adding there is need to increase investment in malaria control interventions in order to improve and sustain the coverage levels.

The 2015 Survey that was undertaken by the National Malaria Control Programme of the Ministry of Health in Coordination with the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics shows that malaria prevalence varies in the country  with Coast endemic with the highest at eight percent while Lake endemic zones is  rated at 27 percent.

The report also shows that less than 10 percent of children aged six months to 14 were found to have malaria.

Present at the launch were the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics Director General Zachary Mwangi, The World Health Organization Representative Dr. Custodia Mandlhate and the USAID Director, Office of Population and Health Barbara Hughes.

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Information Communication and Technology Cabinet Secretary Joe Mucheru.

The Government will ensure ICT access to all persons living in the Kenya, Information Communication and Technology Cabinet Secretary Joe Mucheru has said.

It is out of this conviction that the Government undertook institutional reforms of the sector to encourage competition and private sector participation in infrastructure development with a view to ultimately closing access gaps, he added.

Speaking today during the launch of a report of the ICT access Gaps study in Nairobi, the CS said that through Universal Service Fund in 2009 the Government envisaged leveraging operations in high cost areas including rural and remote areas.

“We are fortunate to have a very well-conceived legal framework for the Fund and we should therefore be able to make tremendous progress in making ICT services accessible to the widest number at the most affordable cost”, he said.

Mucheru added that the report of the access gap study will be instrumental in the prioritization of the implementation of projects and will shape the ICT landscape in Kenya.

“The launch of this report is timely as it forms a very critical ingredient in the efforts to accelerate the deployment of communication services to all parts of the country, in an objective and coordinated manner”, he added.

The CS confirmed that the Government continues to direct investments towards ICT infrastructure development so as to ensure connectivity throughout the country saying  the Ministry has embarked on policy reforms, placed emphasis on public-private sector partnership, as part of the overall government plan under Vision 2030.

“Focus is being directed to innovation as we strive to meet the demands of ICTs in servicing other sectors of the economy and making every effort to ensure diffusion of ICT in its quest to deliver efficient public service to Kenyans is key as demonstrated in the Huduma Centres” he said .

The CS noted that the importance of studies like the one that was launched today cannot be gainsaid as it gives policy makers and industry players the much-needed confidence in overseeing the development of the sector.

He emphasized that it unacceptable that some Kenyans are yet to enjoy the benefits associated with connectivity to ICT services saying the report will give a clear picture of the areas where citizens have not enjoyed benefits of liberalized and accessible communication services.

“We have embarked on the review of the ICT sector policy to align it with emerging technological changes”, Mucheru said noting that the digital economy holds huge potential for growth and ICTs will be expected to play an important role in providing economic opportunities especially to marginalized communities and other vulnerable groups.

Universal Service Advisory Council (USAC)  Chairperson Dr. Catherin Ngahu also said that according to the report, there are areas that still need basic communications services and that will remain a priority as  the council  set out in operationalizing the fund and ensure that t the existing gaps are covered within the shortest time possible.

She said that the contribution to the Universal Service Fund (USF) currently stands at Kshs 3.94 Billion out of which the Authority has contributed One Billion adding that part of the Terms of Reference of the consultant for the ICT Access Gaps Study Report is to work with the Authority in developing the tenders for the initial projects.

“We expect this work to begin immediately so that we can advertise the tenders at the beginning of the next financial year and award tenders by November 2016 and for this reason, we have set we have set aside Sh1.5 Billion for the implementation of the initial USF projects which will include telecommunication infrastructure development to expand voice services coverage and schools broadband connectivity”, Dr Ngahu said

Andrew Dymond, the research study Team Leader said the report identifies the areas requiring Universal Service Fund (USF) support and the gaps in the communications services namely, voice communication services, broadband coverage, postal and courier sector and broadcasting.

He noted that the regional disparity for 3G is more pronounced than for 2G, even though the population coverage has improved significantly in recent years and will continue to expand through market forces, especially as 3G devices become more affordable and popular.

“Every County in Kenya has at least one population center with 3G coverage, except Isiolo County which today has zero percent 3G coverage. Analysis by sub-location indicates that 1,244 sub-locations country-wide have zero 3G coverage and a further 977 have less than 50 percent coverage”,  Dymond  said.

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Kabete Member of Parliament Ferdinand Waititu with his lawyer Harrison Kinyanjui displaying Waititu certificate after he filed a response to a case filed by Kiambu Governor William Kabogo claiming Waititu academic documents are fake outside Milimani law courts on Tuesday April 5, 2017.

Kabete Member of Parliament Ferdinand Waititu has taken on Kiambu Governor William Kabogo saying that he is using forged education papers to smear his name.

MP Waititu has also brought up a report dubbedINTERNATIONAL DRUG TRAFFICKING RING ENJOYS IMPUNITY IN KENYA” which states “A number of suspects have been arrested for questioning about Abdillahi’s death. Among them: four brothers of (known thug and rich-far-beyond-visible-means) Juja MP William Kabogo, who is also owner of a port container transshipment company. (One of those brothers arrested had been arrested the day before Abdillahi was killed, having been charged with the theft of the 39 suspect containers.).”

Mr Waitiu says that to date this document has NOT been challenged by the Governor and remains accessible online and hence any person objectively reading the same arrives a conclusion that the Petitioner is alleged to be involved in drug trafficking.

Kabete MP also brought up the issue of the death of a University of Nairobi student, Mercy Keino which case is pending completion,

He said that  Ms Keino died immediately upon leaving a party hosted by the said William Kabogo while he was the Member of Parliament for Juja Constituency in the now Kiambu County, on the night of June 17 2011.

Mr Waititu said he reviewed the available online reported testimony of Kabogo on the issue, and noted that whereas he alleged during his testimony that he merely “got her by the shoulders”, “shook her”, and “tapped her” allegedly because he wanted to know exactly how the deceased Mercy Keino had come to the party, the testimony of Scholastica Namwai Kamemba was to the effect that he assaulted the deceased.

“The linkage of the Petitioner to the said death (however remotely he has attempted to exonerate himself from it) remains an UNRESOLVED integrity issue on him. His leadership qualities are brought into sharp focus and question if as a leader he would attend parties where University students end up losing their lives,” Waititu holds.

The MP also says that Kabogo has relied on a fraudulent, forged document, to wit the COPY of a purported Certificate of Primary Education “Certificate” in the name of one “CLIFFORD NDUN’GU WAITITU” which was forged to purport that MBAGATHI PRIMARY SCHOOL was bearing the examination code 52019 whereas in truth the said Code 52019 belonged to CHEMASANGI PRIMARY SCHOOL, which is located in Bomet County (Saosa Constituency).

He also said that the Auditor General has brought out massive unexplained financial haemorrhage at the Kiambu County under the watch of governor Kabogo where plots that were inherited from the defunct local authorities have since been grabbed and totally unaccounted for.

He said that to date, Kabogo has not cleared the matters with the Senate and he has never had a citizens forum for the Kiambu residents to explain the massive loss of funds as evidenced by the Auditor’s Report.

Waititu also contests that the baseless claim is founded on political malice and intended solely to eliminate the serious political competition he poses in the forthcoming 2017 Kiambu County gubernatorial election.

He says that he believes Mr Kabogo set up the case against him to gain political mileage.

“I therefore perceive that the Petitioner is scared stiff of facing off with me at the ballot box in the said forthcoming election, and that he is attempting to employ every conceivable device to ensure that I am locked out from offering Kiambu County constituents the leadership that they have been lacking since 2013 at the gubernatorial level,” he believes.

The MP also said that Kabogo has made personal allegations against him, including his marriage which he said are solely driven to give the allegations publicity and high profile using me as a platform.

He also wants the petition by Kabogo dismissed

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vc richard mibey (sec R),DVC Admin ad Planning Prof Paul Kiprop (R), DVC Students Affairs  Prof. Nathan Oyieri(sec Left) , Dean school of Law Maurice OduorVice chancellor Richard Mibey(second left) deputy Vice Chancellor Administration and Planning Professor  Paul Kiprop(right) deputy Vice Chancellor students affairs Nathan Ayieri(second left) and Dean school of Law  Maurice Oduor outside Milimani law court after high court quashed decision by the Council of Legal Education  and ordered to be reconstituted within the next 60 days on Monday April 4.2016.


The High Court has ordered that the Council of Legal Education be reconstituted within the next 60 days.

Judge George Odunga issued the order saying the council does not have a mandate to accredit all universities in the country.

“The declaration of the illegality in the constitution of the Council is however suspended for a period of days to facilitate the proper reconstitution of the said Council” ruled Justice Odunga in his ruling.

Justice Odunga made the directive in a case where Moi University has challenged a decision by the council to close its two law school.

“Council of Legal Education has no jurisdiction on its own motion to accredit and withdraw accreditation in Kenya” said Odunga.

The learned judge further said the decision arrived by the Council in the report and and the letter dated 23 September, 2015, the Council for Legal Education violated the principles of a fair administrative action as enshrined in Article 47 of the constitution.

In October last year, the Council for Legal Education announced the closure of several law schools arguing that they did not meet the laid down regulations in offering law courses.

The axe fell on several universities among them Moi University’s Nairobi, Mombasa and Kisumu law campuses, Kenyatta University and Catholic University.

In issuing the closure directive, the Council said that the schools were operating outside the set regulations, an assertion that was contested by the university which termed it a violation of the student’s right to education.
Moi University challenged the directive to shut down its school of law within two months.

The University sued CLE, claiming that the agency failed to issue a notice to seek public views over the closure of the school of Law.

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