
Former Cabinet Secretary Anne Waiguru  who has been dragged afresh into National Youth Service (NYS).


Fresh revelations have emerged about off-the-cuff dealings of Former Cabinet Secretary Anne Waiguru at National Youth Service (NYS).

Information in a sworn statement by Josephine Kabura Irungu, a business lady, it has developed that the the Cabinet Secretary established a conduit to award NYS cronies tenders.

Details shows Ms Kabura an ally of Ms Waiguru between April and 2012.

According to her, Waiguru had been tipped off to be in the Cabinet of the party she was involved in campaigns. The party later formed the Jubilee government.

She alleges meeting the former CS at KDN. She would later visit her Runda Evergreen House Number 29 to plan how to do business with government.

“We became friends and great acquaintances,” she states.

Could it be a friend turn foe tell-tale story? In occurs that the scheme to rip off Tax-payers money kicked off before the ballot was cast in March 4, 2013.

Kabura explains: “ She (Waiguru) informed me she could link me with influential and resourceful contractors at the Finance Ministry including Mr Karani Nyamu whom she introduced as (her  close friend and business associate) who she told me she had assisted in securing major contracts through his companies Verve K.O and Zinga technologies…”

More, October 7, 2014, the affidavit details Betty Maina, Personal Secretary to Ms Waiguru meeting Kabura at restaurant near Uchumi House Nairobi. In this forum, business kicked off.

“She gave me about seven copies of certificates of incorporation of the companies the CS had assisted to be registered,” Kaburas’ statement reads.

Eventually, “The Cabinet Secretary instructed me to open bank accounts for the companies at Family Bank and Specifically at Kenya Tea Development Authority Plaza (KTDA)

It was at this point, Kabura says milking the nation’s taxes would take place. November 2014, the first Local purchase Order (LPO) to her firm was issued by Hassan Noor_ Director Administration and planning Devolution Ministry, for the delivery of construction materials for Kibera project.

Hassan Noor is one of the Key officers allegedly introduced to Kabura between August and September 2014 by the Cabinet Secretary. Others include: Adan Harakhe, who is said was poised for a senior administrative position at the NYS, Mutahi Ngunyi_a consultant at NYS and Loise Nyamu Mbarire, Ms Waiguru’s Elder Sister.

“She informed me that four people excluding Loise will be of assistance in processing of tenders and payments for the goods supplied and services rendered. Loise’s role would be to pay supply Agents and move profits,” she details.

The seed capital for Kibera project was provided by the former CS to start the supply and Sh. 24 Million was brought by Loise Mbarire.

A riveting account of Kabura notes that CS Waiguru stated that, ‘in big deals, there are normal Government bureaucratic delays in remittance of payments and she therefore advised that it would be wise to have some business front to rely on.

To process the payments for the Supply, One Mr Mutahi Ngunyi is said to have facilitated the account particulars where Kabura deposited Sh 1.5 Million.

story to be updated with more information shortly.