
Former Nairobi Chief Finance officer Jimmy Mutuku Kiamba  at Milimani law courts anti-corruption court during the hearing of a corruption case he’s  charged for stealing Sh17 million.
The hearing of the corruption case against former Nairobi County Government chief accountant Jimmy Mutuku Kiamba and other four officials will start tomorrow before the Nairobi Anti-corruption court.
The trial was supposed to start today at Milimani law court before the Anti-corruption Chief Magistrate Kennedy Bindari but the third accused lawyer made an application seeking the matter to be adjourned since he had an high court hearing.
Mr Bindari adjourned the matter and directed the case to be heard tomorrow.
Prosecution was ready with two key witnesses in court. One witness is expected to take the stand tomorrow when the trial starts.
The officials allegedly committed the offense on diverse dates between November 1, 2013 and December 3, 2014 at the City Hall within Nairobi County.
The County Secretary who had earlier been charged faced another count of making payment from the public revenue for goods not supplied contrary to the law.
Wanjiru was accused that on October 30, 2014 at the City Hall, She fraudulently made payment from public revenue of Sh 750,000 to Regina Chepkemoi Rotich.
She allegedly signed a Cheque for the purpose of the stationery to the Department of finance of the Nairobi County Government and the goods were not supplied.
The officials faced several other charges of the abuse of the office contrary to the law. The defence Counsel applied for lenient bond terms and copies of the witness statements.
This was after lawyer Ochieng Ogutu who represented Waithera said the investigation started three months ago and the accused has been co-operating with the police.
“My client presented herself to the investigation officers and was released on Sh 100,000 cash bail,” he said.

Another Lawyer Hirary Kago who represented Wanjiru, said his client is not of fright risk because she is still a public officer and a mother as well.
“The County Secretary has a fixture board. She is a public officer who is innocent until proven guilty and also a mother,” he added.
He requested the court that the accused phones be released because they had been confiscated by the Investigation Officers. The lawyer also applied for copies of witness statements and favorable bond terms.
The prosecution did not oppose their application for bail but said their mobile phones will be required for imaging purposes and will be released later.
They urged the court to grant the accused the cash bail that will ensure that they attend court for the proceedings.
The prosecution applied that the warrant be issued for some of the accused who were not in court for plea taking on grounds that efforts are being made to trace them.
While delivering the ruling for bail terms application the magistrate said he had considered the application for both the defense and the prosecution.
He ordered that the Counsels for the County Government be supplied with copies of the witness statements.
They were released on Sh 2 million cash bail each or alternative bond of Sh 5 million and one surety of similar amount.
Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission cracked the whip on five top Nairobi County Government officials alleged to have stolen Sh17 million.
The officers were the first to be charged with corruption few days after President Uhuru Kenyatta released the list of shame to the National Assembly.
The Anti-Corruption Magistrate’s court in Nairobi lifted a warrant of arrest issued against two top county officers, moments after three of their colleagues- County Secretary Lilian Wanjiru Ndegwa, Chepkemoi Rotich and Nancy Waithera-took plea.
The two Chief Finance officer Jimmy Mutuku Kiamba and Stephen Ogaga Osiro on Monday appeared before a Milimani senior principal magistrate Peter Ndwiga and denied the charges.
The warrant which was issued last week was lifted after the medical report documents were released at the court.
Defence lawyers told the court that the accused could not take plea last week because they were unwell.
They were accused of stealing the money from the county imprests’ account held at Cooperative.
The matter will be heard tomorrow.