
Former Nairobi County Government chief accountant Jimmy Mutuku Kiamba during the hearing of a corruption case he is accused of stealing sh17 million from the Nairobi county government at Milimani law courts on 15 September, 2015.
Nairobi county Government Director of Procurement has testified in a corruption case Nairobi County Government chief accountant Jimmy Mutuku Kiamba and other four officials are accused of stealing Sh17 million from the county government.
The officials allegedly committed the offense on diverse dates between November 1, 2013 and December 3, 2014 at the City Hall within Nairobi County.
Mr Solomon Obiero who is county procurement Director was the first witness in the trial began today after it was adjourned yesterday.
Mr Obiero was shown several cheque of 750.000 paid to Regina Chepkemoi Rotich on 12, August 2014 through cooperative bank city hall branch signed by the county chief financial officer Mr Jimmy Kiamba and Stephen Ogaga Osiro paid for the purpose of the stationery to the Department of finance of the Nairobi County Government and the goods were not supplied.
According to the vouchers shown to the witness, the payment was done in the name of Regina Chepkemoi for computers repair and servicing of printers and it was signed by Nairobi County Chief accounting Officer Jimmy Kiamba and Nairobi County Secretary Lillian Ndegwa.
The trial was adjourned after the defence said they needed time to prepare to cross examine the witness and they needed all documents which they have not been served with.

kiamba trial

Former Nairobi County Government Secretary Lillian Ndwega Lawyer Paul Ng’arua made the application seeking for the disclosure of materials that they needed for cross examination which is in the hands of city hall ,Director of public prosecution and Ethics and Anti-corruption.
Anti-corruption Chief Magistrate Kennedy Bindari directed that he will deliver the ruling on the disclosure of documents on 24 of this month.
The officials allegedly committed the offense on diverse dates between November 1, 2013 and December 3, 2014 at the City Hall within Nairobi County.
The County Secretary who had earlier been charged faced another count of making payment from the public revenue for goods not supplied contrary to the law.
Wanjiru was accused that on October 30, 2014 at the City Hall, She fraudulently made payment from public revenue of Sh 750,000 to Regina Chepkemoi Rotich.
She allegedly signed a Cheque for the purpose of the stationery to the Department of finance of the Nairobi County Government and the goods were not supplied.
The officials faced several other charges of the abuse of the office contrary to the law. The defence Counsel applied for lenient bond terms and copies of the witness statements.
The trial will resume on 24 of this month for Mr Obiero cross examination by the defense team.