
Director of Criminal Investigation (DCI) Ndegwa Muhoro, Head of Flying Squad John Kariuki and  Serious Crimes Unit boss Said Mohamed before Justice Lukas Kimaru who summoned them to appear at Milimani Law court on Tuesday July 5,2016.


The Federal Bureau of Investigation, FBI will help investigate the murder of human rights lawyer Willie Kimani and two others, the government has said.

Director of Criminal Investigation Mr Ndegwa Muhoro has announced after the High Court directed him toe swiftly probe the murder of the lawyer, his client and a taxi driver, Joseph Muiruri.

The DCI told Justice Luka Kimaru that he will give an in-depth report on the matter within 14 days and will shield the investigations from any interference.
The DCI said key witnesses in the case have been placed under protection while others will be assessed “as they come up and be protected as necessary.”

“I will ensure that there is no interference from any quarter and I will ensure investigations are complete and suspects brought to court in 14 days,” the DCI said.

Justice Kimaru is expected to receive postmortem reports on Wednesday.

An autopsy carried out on the three on Tuesday revealed that they died from fractures caused by a blunt object.

Kimani, Mwenda and Muiruri went missing shortly after appearing at the Mavoko law courts on June 23.

They had attended a case in which Mwenda accused an AP officer of attempted murder, after the officer shot and injured him in April 2015.


Their bodies were found on June 30 floating in Oldonyo Sabuk River.

Three officers, Fredrick Leliman, Stephen Chebulet, Leonard Maina Mwangi and Silvia Wanjiku appeared at the Milimani Law courts on Monday.

The Law Society of Kenya has been holding protest demonstrations over the killings of the three.

A fourth officer, Leonard Maina Maingi was presented today before a magistrate’s court, and will also be detained for 13 days pending completion of investigation.