
The doctor accused of negligence that lead to death of 10 years old in the year 2008 has confirmed to court that he ordered the test of liver infection to be conducted.

Doctor Charles Opondo while testifying in the case was put to task to explain the circumstances that lead to death of baby Leroy Rapenda Odundo.

He has been sued by the boy’s father James Odundo who claims that the doctor allowed a medical practitioner to treat patients at an institution that lacked appropriate facilities and drugs.

In a cross examination Opondo was requested to explain whether it is right to outsource results from other hospitals other than the one the patient is being referred to.

This is after the doctor said that some of the tests were conducted outside the Gertrude’s Children Hospital where the boy was being admitted.

“I don’t see anything wrong with a Hospital such as Gertrude’s to outsource test results from another hospital if the equipment’s required are not present,” said Odundo.

He added that he started treating the boy for malaria after the results were out but for hepatitis the treatment began before the results were out.

“We started treating the boy for hepatitis because one
According to him, it is the condition of baby Leroy Rapenda Odundo that was worsening that lead to him postponing his journey to Kisumu on date 5, 2008.

The doctor said that other laboratory tests were still pending and he could not tell whether the tests were done outside the Hospital or not.
“Some Hepatitis functions tests were sent out of the hospital and that’s why the results delayed as they could not come out on time,” said the doctor.

The doctor said he travelled to Kisumu after he contacted his colleague to handle the responsibility of the child.

“I consulted a colleague by the name Rose Khaminwa after seeing that the condition of the boy was not improving and requested her to look after the boy as I traveled upcountry, “said Opondo.

The doctor told the court that the condition of the child had started improving before he traveled the next day.

Opondo did not deny the fact that as a senior doctor he is one who makes major decisions on the treatment.

While on the journey the doctor said he received a call from the hospital informing him that the little boy’s condition was getting worse and that Khaminwa was in another hospital and could not be reached on phone.

Opondo said he asked why he had not been contacted earlier. The boy is alleged to have succumbed to the infections the next day.

The parents to the boy raised complain to the Medical Practitioner’s Board and then filed a case at the High Court.

The Board had found Opondo guilty of allowing a medical practitioner to treat patients at institution that lacked appropriate facilities and drugs.

He was also accused of putting in place inappropriate systems of work that contributed to the death of the child.It is alleged that Master Leroy Rapenda Odundo, deceased (10 years) became ill after making a trip to Siaya County, in Nyanza Province.

The boy was first taken to Othaya Road clinic of Gertrude’s Children Hospital where he was attended by Dr. Kevin Omondi.

The parents soon after, instructed Dr. Charles Opondo, a practitioner outside the Hospital, to handle and be in charge of the treatment of Leroy.
Dr. Opondo decided to and admitted the boy in Gertrude’s Children’s Hospital on Othaya Road on 29th August, 2008.

He had fever, vomiting, dizziness and general malaise. An initial blood slide for malaria parasite done immediately on admission appeared negative and Dr. Opondo started treatment for the upper respiratory tract infection.

There was no improvement. On 30th August, 2008 Dr. Opondo referred him to Gertrude’s Children’s Hospital at Muthaiga.

There, several tests were done including blood slides of malaria parasites. They once more appeared negative.

On 3rd September, 2008 further malaria tests, however confirmed presence of severe malaria graded at (4 plus). Tests for other diseases were also carried out.

On the same day Dr. Opondo with consultation, started malaria treatment using Artemether and Paluther, the only malaria treatment drugs then available at the Hospital at the time.

His condition did not however, improve but worsened. Dr. Opondo requested KHaminwa to stand in for him as he intended to travel up country on 5th September, 2008 and the latter agreed to do so.

The matter is still ongoing at the High court.