Kenya1441199200570 National Teachers Union Chairman Mudzo Nzili and National Secretary General Wilson Sossion  leaving Supreme court on Wenesday September 2 ,2015.



Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has moved to the highest court on the land seeking it to review it last week decision on Teachers payment.

This follows a directive from judges for the parties in the dispute to return to court next week.

TSC wants the Supreme Court to stop the adoption of a 50-60 per cent pay increase ordered by lower courts until its application seeking a review of the ruling is determined.

However, Supreme Court Judge Jackton Ojwang’ has directed the TSC to serve its court papers to the other parties in the case.

“I hereby order and direct that the application in question shall forthwith be served upon all the parties in the case,” said Justice Ojwang’.

The parties should then take a hearing date before the Registrar on Tuesday.

Supreme Court directed TSC to pay teachers their salaries as ordered by Employment and labour relation court judge Nduma Ndeli.

TSC lost it bid to stop the implementation of 50-60% salary increments for teachers before the appellate court that led the commission to rush to the Supreme Court where they suffered a major blow after Supreme Court dismissed their application.

KNUT has already announced countrywide strike, a move that will paralyzed the learning in public schools.

Treasury Cabinet Secretary said they don’t money to pay teachers’ salaries.

The Kenya National Union of Teachers has officially called for the commencement of the nationwide teachers’ strike saying teachers will not resume duty until the Government honors the court order that awarded teachers a 50-60% pay hike.

The union Secretary General Wilson Sossion says teachers will not negotiate with the Government over the court’s order as the Government has the capacity of paying teachers their pay hike.

The nationwide strike has officially commenced today with the Kenya National Union of Teachers saying there is no need to issue a strike notice to TSC as it is a continuation of what began last year.

The ongoing teachers strike entered its third day with no end in sight, and for teachers who have downed their tools the back and forth haggling for a salary rise is symptomatic of serious fundamental problems in the country.

The tussle between the teachers and the Government has left both parents and students especially those that are just about to sit for their national exams worried but KNUT says teachers will remain unmoved by their employers’ plea to resume classes as they only go back to work once their employer the Teachers Service Commission deposits money in teachers’ accounts.

KNUT National Chairman Mudzo Nzili says it is within their constitutional right to demand for a pay increment and will fight on to ensure teachers receive their increment.

According to the Giant teachers’ union they will not negotiate with the Government over the court’s order as the Government has the capacity of paying teachers their pay hike.

KNUT Secretary General Wilson Sossion says teachers do not need to sign performance contracts before getting a pay rise saying teachers’ performance is gauged every year through the national examination.

The official commencement of the nationwide teachers strike came even after the Supreme Court accepted an appeal by TSC challenging its ruling directing the commission to implement a 50 to 60% salary increase for teachers.

Supreme Court Judge Jackton Ojwang directed TSC to serve KNUT and KUPPET with the application it has file in court and directed the parties to appear before the court on next week Wednesday for hearing.


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