Five parliament employees Obudo Samuel Otieno (director of finance) Keith Musyoki Kisinguh and Alloys Nyambariga (Supplies department George Omondi Arun and Benjamin Njagi Kagutu at Milimani law courts on Tuesday October 27,2015
Chief magistrate’s court in Nairobi has released five Parliamentary Service Commission employees with a Cash bail of Sh 300,000 with a surety of Sh 1 million.

Senior principal Magistrate Benson Nzakyo, directed the suspects to deposit the amount to secure their release pending investigation to the loss of Sh 78 million from Parliament kitty.

Senior Principal Magistrate Benson Zakyo in his ruling said he found no reason to detain the accused.
“In my personal opinion I have not seen any reason why the respondents should be detained for more than 24 hours” said Zakyo.

Director of Public Prosecution Keriako Tobiko had applied to have five held for a period of 14 days to allow police investigate.

”The amount of money involved is complex and police has been unable to complete investigation’s. All the five respondent are employees of parliament if released they are likely to interfere with investigation” Said Karuri.

However, accused defense team led by James Ochieng objected to DPP application.
It’s inconsistent to say one has stolen over 70 million and then on the other hand say we have not completed investigations” James Ochieng told the court.

The suspects Obudo Samuel Otieno (director of finance) Keith Musyoki Kisinguh and Alloys Nyambariga (Supplies department George Omondi Arun and Benjamin Njagi Kagutu were arrested on Monday and the DPP says police have not completed investigation before a decision is made whether to charge them.

The DPP through senor state counsel Daniel Karori, told the court that police require more time to investigate and interview witnesses.
He said two of key witnesses are out of the country, a decision to charge cannot be arrived.the suspect are staff members of Parliament under the employment of PSC, whose investigation might take time.
The prosecution told senior principal magistrate Benson Nzakyo, that there are several leads being followed by the police.
Panic has gripped Parliament after CID officers nabbed five staff in connection with the alleged theft of Sh500 million Monday evening.

Contrary to the expectation that the investigation would be extended to senior Parliamentary staff and the leadership, it turned out the probe only targeted the juniors.

Legislators and some staff yesterday faulted the manner in which the probe is being done after the anti-graft sleuths opted for the finance officer, procurement officer, internal auditor and the store manager.

They lamented that the investigation is being carried out in a skewed manner to spare the ‘big fish’ by sacrificing the defenseless officials, Samuel Otieno Obudo(Finance), Keith Musyoka (procurement), Alloys Nyambariga Tinega (stores), George Omondi Arum (internal audit) and Benjamin Njagi (stores).

But even as the staff and Members of Parliament ponder over the turn of events, they poked holes on the weak governance structures at the August House and the increase appetite to defraud Kenyans through fraudulent means.

The matter will be mentioned tomorrow to confirm compliance.