
Former Devolution CS Anne Waiguru who has linked Deputy President William Ruto key ally Senator Kipchuba Murkomen into the National Youth Service mega scam.


Former Devolution CS Anne Waiguru has implicated Deputy President William Ruto office and his associate lead by Senator Kipchuba Murkomen into the National Youth Service mega scam claiming he was the force behind her woes.

Waiguru, in response to an affidavit filed by businesswoman Josephine alleged that the senator threatened her to drop investigations into the Sh 179 million NYS scandal and when she refused, he hatched the scheme to taint her name.

Without any foundation are meant to achieve political ends to punish her for stopping the fraud at NYS “and to divert attention from real fraudsters and their backers,”

Also named in the affidavit is Jubilee majority leader Aden Duale who allegedly sent a text message to NYS Director General Adan Harakhe  to telling him he required political support in his office  and that leaders from his region came from URP.

The text alleged said; he needed to be careful lest he is used and damped by the other side of the coalition.

Waiguru further claimed that   on July 9 2015, Murkomen visited  Harakhe’s office accompanied by a Mr Kimutai at NYS Headquarters  along Thika road.

He claims Senator Murkomen said Eng. Mangiti had referred him to Mr Harkeh and the senator stated that he represented his clients who were  the merchants whose funds had been stopped at IFMIS and whose bank accounts were frozen by DCI.

According to her, he told Harakhe that he had been sent by Eng peter Mangiti to find out why his client’s merchant’s funds had been stopped at IFMIS and whose bank accounts were frozen by DCI.

The immediate Devolution CS in her affidavits state, that when Harakhe replaced Githinji as AIE holder, he flagged Sh828 million worth of IFMIS transactions which he had not entered into the system; which led them to surmise that his password must have been stolen.

It was then, she states, that she directed Harakhe to report the matter to the Directorate of Criminal Investigation “as it was a cyber crime.”

Mangiti and Githinji on the other hand, she states, sought to pressure Harakhe into having the matter resolved “internally.”

When they failed to persuade him, Waiguru continues to swear, businessman Ben Gethi got involved. “Mangiti summoned him (Harakhe) to Nakumatt Junction at around 7pm on June 14. (They) told him that he had become a stumbling block and if he doesn’t co-operate, they would fix him.”

They, Waiguru says of herself and Harakhe, refused to play ball.

It was later discovered, Waiguru states, that there were questionable transactions that went through prior to the stoppage of the Sh828 million payments, amounting to Sh791 million.

It was after this discovery, Waiguru states, that the big dogs entered the picture. “Harakhe informed me that there had been various attempts by political actors to intimidate him.

Harakhe was texted and called by Duale who advised him that he required political support and that leaders from his region came from URP.

Duale warned that he needed to be careful lest he is used and dumped by the other side of the coalition.”

When reached for comment, Duale who is in Malindi campaigning for the Jubilee candidate said he was giving his accusers time to produce proof of the alleged text messages and calls he made to Harakhe.

“I will issue a comprehensive statement tomorrow once I have read the affidavit in detail. But they should not drag my name into their antics. I have never done business with NYS,” Duale said on phone.

Waiguru testifies that she was herself paid a visit by Senator Murkomen who “informed me that he represented clients who were the merchants whose funds had been stopped at IFMIS and whose bank accounts were frozen by the DCI.”

“I refused to budge,” Waiguru states “and soon after proceedings for my impeachment by an MP from the URP wing of the Jubilee coalition were commenced and calls for my resignation peaked.”

Waiguru identifies DP Ruto’s Personal Assistant Kibet as a close associate of NYS suspect Gethi alleging that they shared 180 phone conversations with “some lasting for hours,” according to information she claims to have received from the DCI.

It’s worth noting that the Directorate of Criminal Investigations “mistakenly” included Kibet on a list of individuals who are to face charges for laundering the Sh791 million worth of stolen NYS funds.

She further claims due to her actions the attempted plunder of NYS was stopped and previous thefts discovered and suspects brought to book.

Waiguru affidavits come few days after Fresh revelations have emerged about off-the-cuff dealings of Former Cabinet Secretary Anne Waiguru at National Youth Service (NYS).

Information in a sworn statement by Josephine Kabura Irungu, a business lady, it has developed that the the Cabinet Secretary established a conduit to award NYS cronies tenders.

Details show Ms Kabura an ally of Ms Waiguru between April and 2012.

According to her, Waiguru had been tipped off to be in the Cabinet of the party she was involved in campaigns. The party later formed the Jubilee government.

She alleges meeting the former CS at KDN. She would later visit her Runda Evergreen House Number 29 to plan how to do business with government.

“We became friends and great acquaintances,” she states.

Could it be a friend turn foe tell-tale story? In occurs that the scheme to rip off Tax-payers money kicked off before the ballot was cast in March 4, 2013.

Kabura explains: “ She (Waiguru) informed me she could link me with influential and resourceful contractors at the Finance Ministry including Mr Karani Nyamu whom she introduced as (her  close friend and business associate) who she told me she had assisted in securing major contracts through his companies Verve K.O and Zinga technologies…”

More, October 7, 2014, the affidavit details Betty Maina, Personal Secretary to Ms Waiguru meeting Kabura at restaurant near Uchumi House Nairobi. In this forum, business kicked off.

“She gave me about seven copies of certificates of incorporation of the companies the CS had assisted to be registered,” Kaburas’ statement reads.

Eventually, “The Cabinet Secretary instructed me to open bank accounts for the companies at Family Bank and Specifically at Kenya Tea Development Authority Plaza (KTDA)

It was at this point, Kabura says milking the nation’s taxes would take place. November 2014, the first Local purchase Order (LPO) to her firm was issued by Hassan Noor_ Director Administration and planning Devolution Ministry, for the delivery of construction materials for Kibera project.