Rose Auma who is accused killingher employer’s 18-month-old baby at Riruta Kwanyama estate, Kiambu at Milimani law court on Wednesday March 23, 2016.
By Sam Alfan
A househelp has been charged with the murder of her employer’s 18-month-old baby at Riruta Kwanyama estate, Kiambu.
A court heard that the accused, Rose Auma, killed the child on February 11by hitting her with a blunt object.
The prosecution said Mercy Nanzala’s body was found neatly wrapped and tucked into her mother’s bed. It had deep wounds on the thighs, back and cheeks.
Auma was arrested at her rural home in Kakamega county where she allegedly fled to after committing the offence.
More than 10 witnesses are expected to testify in the case which Justice Stella Mutuku said will be heard on July 18.