
Former assistant Minister Betty Tett son William Tett accused for violently robbing his father at Milimani law courts.


The foster son of former assistant Minister Betty Tett will be put to death as per a judgment delivered in June 2013 for violently robbing his father

This is after the high court dismissed an appeal he had lodged to overturn the judgement.

Justice James Wakiaga while delivering the Judgement upheld the lower courts sentence on the grounds that there was enough evidence to show that actual violence occurred against the victims.

Betty’s son William Tett will now serve the death sentence.

“I agree with the trial Courts findings and dismiss this application,” said judge Wakiaga.

He added that the prosecution case was proved beyond reasonable doubt and therefore his conviction was safe.

“We find no merit on the appeal and I dismiss both the conviction and sentence,” judge Wakiaga said.

He added that upon evaluation of the evidence tendered, they agreed with the trial court’s finding that all the elements of the offence of robbery with violence were proved by the prosecution.

The judge added that there was no bad blood between Tett and his foster parents and agreed that there was no reason therefore he finds that Tett had a common intention with the two thugs who were shot dead.

He continued that Tett’s Conduct at the scene and his subsequent conduct thereafter pointed to his participation jointly with the others not before the court in the commission of the offence he was charged with.

The lower court under the stewardship of Magistrate Kiarie Waweru handed the death penalty to William after he found him guilty of robbing his father at gun point.

William was charged with violently robbing William Mulready Tett of Sh 1,000, credit cards and mobile phone all valued at Sh 157,000 at their Karen home on September 6, 2011.

The accused committed the offence jointly with others not before the court while armed with a revolver and a knife. The prosecution said the accused went to their house accompanied by two other men and ordered Mr Tett to give them Money.
They tied him with ropes and robbed him before escaping. In mitigation, William pleaded for leniency saying he was remorseful and wanted to reconcile with his family. However the magistrate said the only sentence provided for by the law for the capital offence is a death penalty.