National Transport and Safety Authority Director General Francis Meja shakes hands with Inspector General of Police Joseph Boinnet who said that the contingent of 200 officers will make all efforts to ensure that reckless driving and impunity has been reduced considerably on the roads.

Passengers will now see more police officers deployed to curtail reckless drivers and notorious bodaboda operators who flout traffic rules.

This is according to a pact signed between the Inspector General of Police and the National Transport and Safety Authority aiming to stanch on errant motorists.

In the agreement signed at Jogoo House Office, the National Police Service said they will Attach 200 more officers to support and enforce set NTSA regulations.

This is aimed to restore order and reduce road carnage on Kenyan roads.

The IG Joseph Boinnet said that the contingent of 200 officers will make all efforts to ensure that reckless driving and impunity has been reduced considerably on the roads.

He said that his officers who will be seconded to the NTSA will go through rigorous interviews and vetting and those above the rank of Inspector must have been cleared by the National Police Service Commission (NPSC) vetting board.

Mr Boinnet stressed that those entrusted with this “noble and sensitive” duty should be officers of high integrity and moral standing.

“The officers who will qualify will be charged with the responsibility of speed check limits, drunk driving and enforcement of NTSA Act besides operationalization of instant fines schedule for minor offences,” he said.

NTSA Director General Francis Meja welcomed the move saying that road safety has become a serious concern not only to the government but also the general public because 85 % of accidents are attributable to human error.

“None of us is safe as long as we have drunk and reckless drivers on our roads. Impunity will not be tolerated,” he said.

Mr Meja singled out bodaboda operators as notorious in disrespecting traffic lights and flouting traffic regulations at will adding that motorcycles must obey traffic rules to avert accidents.

He also said that the collaboration was crucial in such a time like this to bring order, discipline and safety on the roads.

Director General also hinted of a plan to setup a platform where members of the public will interact and freely share information with NTSA in order to rein on errant drivers and other motorists.

The MOU, the IG said will go a long way in achieving the common objective of safe, reliable, efficient transport system and proper enforcement of traffic laws in the country.