
NYS Scam ‘mastermind’ Ben Gethi with his mother charity Gethi lawyer Edward Oonge at Milimani Magistrate Court where she was slapped with arrest warrant after failing to appear in court to face money laundering charge’s.(FILE PHOTO)

Attempts to plead with a magistrate to allow the sick mother to Ben Gethi miss court have been met with lots of opposition from the quotas.

The Magistrate court declined to lift a warrant of arrest issued against her.

This is despite her lawyer Edward Oonge literary pleading with court to address the plight of his client.

He even presented documents from the hospital showing that Ms Charity Gethi is chronically ill (she is suffering from diabetes) and has to attend the infirmary daily for injection.

According to the prosecutor, if the accused person is not admitted anywhere and she can go to hospital daily, she can also come to court or they can read the charges to her wherever she is.

The court said it will not lift the order until Ms Charity appears in person to plead to charges of money laundering over the loss of Sh791 million NYS money.

“I take court attendance serious and the accused should appear in court court” said the magistrate

Ms Gethi has failed to appear in court twice as earlier ordered with the arrest warrant being the court’s last result.

The order to arrest her was issued by Nairobi Magistrate Martha Mutuku.

Nairobi Chief Magistrate Daniel Ogembo had directed that all the accused persons appear on Monday in person to take plea over the allegations.

She with her son Ben, Josephine Kabura, Jedidah Wangui, KCB driver John Kago, Samwel Wachenje alias Sam Mwadime, Anthony Kihara, Paul Gachoka, John Vandamme and Martin Wanjohi have been smoked out as the masterminds to the scam.

Several attempts to have their prosecution suspended have also been thwarted by both Judges and Magistrates.

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