Three masai warrior’s who are residents of Baring showing up a prosopis juliflora commonly known mamathenge tree by residents outside Milimani law court on Friday August 19,2016.
Court has ordered the government to explain why it has not uprooted the ‘Mathenge’ weed.
The Ministry of Environment and the Attorney-General’s office have until Monday to make a full report on the matter failure to which “someone will be held accountable.”
An order had been issued by the court to remove the weed, prosopis juliflora commonly known mathenge which has made man, animals toothless even deforming other parts of the body.
The environment ministry however says it is in the process of complying with the court orders.
Baringo residents obtained the orders after the mathenge weed threatened to exterminate the population together with their animals.
To remedy the situation Judge Lenaola directed that the report be served on the Ilchumus community and the court before the close of business on Friday.
In the case Baringo residents say that the highly invasive plant is not only poisonous but also hazardous to their livestock in five locations where it was introduced in the area 20 years ago to stop the spread of deserts.
The community says that if the government will not take action then they will be forced to file a contempt of court against the government.
According to the petition the weed is poisonous and impairs the limbs of mammals. Herders say the seeds of the plant stick in the gums of their animals, eventually causing their teeth to fall out.
The Judgment requiring the government to act was delivered on December 11, 2007 but has never been acted upon.