Kenya School of Law Director Professor Patrick Lumumba.


Kenya School of Law Director Professor Patrick Lumumba and lawyer Wachira Maina have recorded a consent to withdraw plagiarism case against Lumumba.

According to the consent presented in court, Lumumba is expected to write a suitable apology to Maina in terms that will be aggreagable to Maina.

Lumumba is also expected to write by himself or through a counsel a suitable letter of correction in terms agreeable to Maina , directing Law Society of Kenya , Ag , Kenya School of Law , Law Africa Publishing(K) LTD to immediately recall and delete from the Law Society of Kenya Journal Volume 11 2015 No.1 the article titled From Jurisprudence to Poliprudence:The Kenyan Presidential Election Petition 2013.

“That in further consideration of the petitioner foregoing further claims on this matter the parties have agreed to an amicable settlement, “reads the consent.

Mr Lumumba had asked for time to settle out of court a case in which he has been sued for alleged plagiarism.

In the case, author Wachira Maina has accused Lumumba of using quotations from an article he authored and was published in the East African newspaper in 2013.

Through lawyer Gitobu Imanyara, the author accused Lumumba of dishonoring his position as the Kenya School of Law director and should therefore be restrained from his duties.

The article with the alleged plagiarism is titled From Jurisprudence to Poliprudence: The Kenyan Presidential Election Petition 2013.

He claimed that PLO had violated his intellectual right since he undertook extensive research into electoral law so as to criticize the verdict of the 2013 Presidential election results petition that was determined by the Supreme Court.

Maina also claimed that he thereafter wrote a detailed essay to one of the regional newspaper but in November 2015, when he obtained a copy of the said journal; he realized that between pages 1 and 26 was the plagiarized work.

He accused the Kenya School of Law director of dishonoring his office and therefore wanted the court to suspend him from being the institution’s boss pending the hearing and determination of the case.

The lawyer also wanted the matter, certified urgent, heard on a priority basis and that PLO, KSL and LSK as well as the Law Africa Publishing company be barred from disseminating contents of the said journal.

He is demanding for compensation for the offence which he described as unethical behavior.