A patient being attended by a doctor at a free medical camp at Nyayo stadium in Nairobi.

Nairobi senator Mike Sonko who is vying for Nairobi Governor in the coming general election has sponsored a free medical camp for those in need of medical attention.

Sonko said on Friday almost 500 patients benefited from the exercise which other than providing medication also involved the distribution of foodstuff and a three months’ supply of sanitary towels to the women.
“We provide free medical and general treatment to all patients, free pharmacy services, free laboratory tests, free ultrasound scan, free eye screening and free eye glasses, free cervical and prostate cancer screening, free family planning, free HIV counselling & testing and free NHIF registration” said Sonko.
City resident going through free eye screening at a Nyayo stadium in Nairobi.
City resident going through free eye screening at a Nyayo stadium in Nairobi.
The Nairobi Senator said there will be more series of free medical camps will further be conducted around the city until the government and the doctors agree on a return-to-work formula.
The exercise has been well received by members of the public who turned up in large numbers at the Nyayo Stadium gymnasium.
The camp is being overseen by doctors and nurses who have volunteered. Doctors are still yet to agree with the government on the CBA2013.
Some of the volunteering doctors on the ongoing free medical camp sponsored by Nairobi Senator Mbuvi Sonko at Nyayo stadium on Sunday.
Some of the volunteering doctors on the ongoing free medical camp sponsored by Nairobi Senator Mbuvi Sonko at Nyayo stadium on Sunday.
Sonko urged all the local leaders including his opponents to put their political differences aside and spread this news about the ongoing free medical camp to all the residents within all estates and slums in Nairobi county.
He also pleaded with the doctors, government and all other stakeholders involved  to be ready to compromise on their hardline position do doctors can return to work.