Nairobi Businessman Jimmy Wanjigi.


It is not over yet for the Wanjigi family with police now asking court to restrain him from leaving the country.

The businessman while speaking yesterday at his home in Muthaiga said that the police raid that happened in his house days ago was just mere witch hunt and politically instigated for supporting opposition leader ‘baba’ Raila Odinga.

The police also want the wife of Jimmy Wanjigi Ms Nzisa Wanjigi to be stopped from leaving the country or if they want to leave, they should seek leave from the Director of Criminal Investigations or the National Police Service.

In an affidavit sworn by Chief Inspector (CI) Joseph Gichuki on behalf of Inspector General of Police, they want the anticipatory bail of Sh50, 000 granted to the businessman set aside.

“The cash bail of Sh50, 000 granted by the court is inordinately low compared to the offences under investigation” he said.

According to Gichuki, the bond imposed by a court should reflect the nature and seriousness of the offence under investigation.

“Owing to the nature and seriousness of the offences under investigation, strict terms should be observed” CI Gichuki said.

Police also want the businessman to be ordered to deposit their travel documents with the court saying the matters under investigation pose serious threat to the National Security and Public Safety.

Mr Gichuki held that it was improper and inappropriate for the court to prevent, prohibit or stop any legally constituted agency including the police from discharging it legal mandate under the constitution.

The police have powers to and mandate to investigate  any crime or suspicion of commission of a crime under the law, he said.

He also denied allegations that they have been intimidating, harassing, threatening Wanjigi’s right to liberty and have also been trailing him.

Mr Wanjigi made a report over death threats to the police on 13th and 20th September this year and investigation were commenced.

Gichuki further denied allegations that the police are accusing Wanjigi falsely to embarrass him and merely to settle political scores saying that investigations were initiated pursuant to reliable information of commission of an offence.

“Police Officers acting on the information , searched the premises in question and recovered five firearms, ninety four (94) live rounds of ammunitions, three spent cartridges and one turtle shell and the incident was recorded under Malindi Police Station OB 51/16/2017” police state.

The police interviewed the occupant of Malindi house and informed the officers that the house belongs to their “boss” whom they named as 1 petitioner (Jimmy Wanjigi).

Police say they obtained orders on October 17 after filing miscellaneous application before the Chief Magistrate Court at Milimani for a search warrant.