Lawyer Cliff Ombetta cross examines investigator David Chemelil during the hearing of a murder case of lawyer Willie Kimani and two others at Milimani law courts on Wednesday November 29,2017/PHOTO BY S.A.N.


A detective investigating the heinous murder of lawyer Willie Kimani, his client and driver cannot tell why the suspect (a police officer) radio call signal was inconsistent.

It was during the hearing of a case  where five people have been charged with killing lawyer Willie Kimani and his driver.

A Flying Squad detective David Chemilil said that his colleague officer’s radio signal was on and off, it was not consistent.

Criminal Lawyer Cliff Ombeta also questioned Chemilil on the where about of a motor vehicle registration number KCG 595H that was used to ferry the bodies of the lawyer and his driver.

“I was never given information of the said vehicle,” responded Chemilil.

Ombeta claimed that the said motor vehicle was used by police officer Fredrick Leliman on the material day and that it is still being held by police.

The police officer was taken to task to explain the suspect’s movement on the material day and what he knew about the frequencies to which he said he tabled what he retrieved from the integrated Command Centre.

Mr Ombeta also demanded to know the movements of the motor vehicle in the pictures produced before court.

“We don’t have the pictures of the vehicles that transported the bodies of the deceased, “said Chemilil

Similarly the witness was unable to explain the technical bit of the radio signals saying that police officer Kennedy Mwadime will explain it because he was the expert.

On June 27, 2016 he was tasked with investigating the movements of over 5 vehicles that were suspected to have been involved in the murder of Kimani, his client Josphat Mwenda and their driver Joseph Muiruri.

The officer said that he never got to know the owners of some of the vehicles but one them belonged to an officer who has been charged in connection to that crime.

“My job was to collect, analyze and link information collected from an integrated command center,” Said Chemelil.

Hearing resumes next week.