Lawyer Ham Lagat and Nelson Havi speaking to press outside Milimani Law Court on Wednesday January 10,2018/PHOTO BY S.A.N.


Nairobi lawyer has alleged his life is in danger.

Mr Lagat allegations comes in the wake  of his testimony in an  election petition in which former gubernatorial aspirant Wavinya Ndeti is challenging the election of governor Alfred Mutua.

Speaking at Milimani Court Ham claims that unknown individuals  have been following and issuing  him with death threats.

Mr Ham said he is entitled to fair administrative action that is expeditious. He said being tracked his whereabouts and data from his phone obtained without  a court order is abuse for his right to privacy.

He was accompanied by lawyers Felix Kiprono, Nelson  Havi and Dan Maanzu. Havi said threats against lawyers is threat to justice.

Law society of Kenya chairman aspirant Nelson Havi has warned those politicians intimidating lawyers and urged them to respect the lawyers Profession.

“Those bent to intimidate  lawyers  should  not be allowed to carry out their threat to defeat those pursuing justice.

This after High court issued orders restraining  the  office of director for  Public Prosecution and director of criminal investigation from commencing criminal proceedings  against city lawyer.

Justice Roselyne Aburili issued the order prohibiting  the DPP from prosecuting lawyer Ham Lagat, who commissioned  affidavits in support of election petition against Machakos governor Dr Alfred Mutua.

The judge said police  should desist from carring out any investigation against the lawyer, until the matter   before court is heard and determined.

The  aggrieved lawyer moved to court  seeking protection alleging that police stormed his home at Kileleshwa where  they threatened his family following the commissioning of the affidavits and giving evidence before the election petition court  sitting in Machakos.

Ham says that he was instructed by Wavinya Ndeti the petitioner to commission the affidavit in support of her peittion.

Further he says that the instructions were given on  5 September 2017, the lawyer acted  instructed and same was done in the presence of the deponents.

He  says upon  commissioning the affidavits, the petitioner instituted suit in Machakos high court against the governor.

The  court heard  that the petition was later served upon the governor, who later applied to have the petition struck out on grounds that the petitioner did not swore  the affidavit however the election court declined Dr Mutua’s application and ordered the proceedings to go on.

The  trial judge Justice Aggrey Muchelule ordered the apprentice of Mr Lagat to shed  light on the disputed signature on the affidavits, the court was sastified that indeed he  was the one who commissioned the  said affidavits.

The  lawyer further  told the court that  shortly after  he appeared in court on 11 December 2017 the county criminal investigations officer together  with gun wielding flying squad officers visited his resident where thet  threatened his family to effect that  they  will  face dire consequence.

Justice Aburili directed the  matter  be mentioned on 24 January 2018 for  further  directions.