Raphael Mwinzi Maluki the proprietor of Primara Ventures , Nairobi County Assembly clerk Jacob Nwele Muvengei, Awuor Onyango, James Kariuki Kaguma,Mwinzi Maluki and Macharia Mwangi before Nairobi Anti-Corruption Court on Monday August 27,2018/PHOTO BY S.A.N.


Nairobi County Assembly Clerk has been charged with failure to comply with guidelines relating to management of public funds.

Jacob Ngwele Muvengei is accused that on diverse dates between 16 March and 5 July 2017 being Nairobi County Assembly Clerk failed to comply with section 68(1) and (2) of the public financial management Act 2012 by applying public funds under his care to an unlawful purpose namely unlawful payment of a sum of Kshs. 997,926 to Primara for supply of books for the Nairobi County Assembly resource center for goods not delivered.

Raphael Mwinzi Maluki the proprietor of Primara Ventures is also accused of unlawfully acquiring Kshs. 997,926 that was deposited in his equity bank account the property of Nairobi City County Assembly Resource Center for goods not delivered.

Nairobi City County Principal Accountant Philomena Kavinya Nzuki is accused on 29 of June last year, used her office to improperly confer benefit to Primara Ventures by authorising payments of Kshs. 997,926 for supply of books to the assembly.

Prosecution further accused Senior Procurement Officer James Kariuki Kaguma of having conflict of interest, instructed Daisy Mueni Muema , procurement officer ll to irregularly prepare quotations for Bluefox technologies, Saruva Technologies, Chehaja Investments Limited, Beriza Solutions and Primara Ventures in contravention of the applicable procedure and guidelines relating to public procurement.

Senior Finance and Planning officer for Nairobi County Assembly and a member of the Inspection and Acceptance committee Fredrick Macharia Mwangi, is alleged to have used his office to irregularly acknowledge acceptance of books worth 997,926 being not delivered goods.

The accused were paraded before Anti Corruption Court, where they denied the criminal charge and were released on a cash bail of Sh 300,000 each.

Trial Magistrate Lawrence Mugambi, ordered the accused not to go back to their offices, unless they have written authority from the County office.

He also directed them to deposit their passports in court, to alternative of cash the accused were ordered to place a bond of Sh 600,000 each.

Court decline prosecution application to deny the accused persons bail claiming 90 percent of the witness are employees of Nairobi County Government.

Lawyer Abdikadir Hassan strongly opposed prosecution application saying there was no compelling reason provided by the state to deny accused bond.

The accused were ordered not to report to their respective offices unless with a written authority by Nairobi County Government. They were further ordered to deposit passport in court.

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