Former presidential candidate Cyrus Jirongo in deep thought after he was arraigned in court today. PHOTO BY S.A.N.


Former presidential candidate in the last year August 8 election Cyrus Jirongo will spend another night in police custody at Muthangari police station.

This after he was ordered to deposit Sh 5 million in court to secure his release so has to enable him to settle Sh 20 million owed to businessman Bryan Yongo.

Deputy Registrar Elizabeth Tanui, said it has been shown by his lawyers Dunstan Omari and Bernard Kakyoko that since the warrant of arrest was issued on 6 August 2018 he has made some payment to settlement debt.

She ordered him remanded at a police station until tomorrow 1pm do to enable him organize for the cash bail.

The court further directed that if the money is not raised by 2 pm, then he will be taken to remand prison.

“I shall give the Judgement debtor (Jirongo) between now and tomorrow to pay the cash bail 1pm tomorrow and currently to be held at Muthangari police station. if he fails to pay then by tomorrow 2pm he should be remanded” ordered Registrar Tanui.

Businessman Bryan Yongo wants him jailed for failing to settle a Sh20 million debt. Yongo told the court he is not ready for any out of court settlement at hall.

“I oppose the application by Judgement debtor (Jirongo) and am not ready for any out of court settlement at all. Am
not ready to be taken rounds again” said Yongo.

His lawyers told the court that he given a proposal to clear the outstanding balance of Sh 9.5 million.

Attempt by his lawyers to plead with court to review the cash bail of 5 million to 900,000 was declined. Registrar said she had already made her ruling.

“We request for more time because of the money involved. We can mention the matter on Monday to confirm compliance,” submitted lawyer Omari.

Tanui had issued warrant of arrest dated 6 August 2018 and ordered OCS Muthangari police station to execute the same with speed.

Registrar in her ruling said that, notice to show cause has been in place for same time, since Jirongo made proposal to decree holder ( Yongo) to settle the debt and has not honored either.

” Its time since the court stamped its authority by issuing warrant of arrest against Jirongo who has been evasive to court orders” she said.

The court said that Jirongo has refused to appear in court to explain reasons why he issued bad cheques to the decree holder.

The amount remains unpaid since the time when the plaintiff obtained judgement against him, the case was filed in 2015.

Mrs Tanui noted that unless same sh 20 million as noted in the margins in the decree, the debtor should be arrested at convenient speed and brought to court to show why he should not be committed to civil jail.

Jirongo was arrested yesterday over debt of Sh 20 million owed to Mr Yongo.