Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru takes oath before testifying in a case which two are charged with stealing 27 million from the government on Wednesday December 5,2018./PHOTO BY S.A.N.

Kirinyaga Governor Anne Waiguru on Wednesday testified in a case in which two people are accused of stealing more than Sh27 million from the government seven years ago.

Wiguru, who had been listed as a witness in the case, said she could not remember much about the case. The court also expected her to explain the procedure in which companies are approved through the Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS).

At the time, Ms Waiguru was then Director of IFMIS. But she told Senior Principal Magistrate Kennedy Cheruiyot that she could not remember some of the details and the signatories of the documents since said it was a longtime ago since she left treasury.

In the case, Ms Rosemary Achieng Onam and Duncan Kamau Kiriro are accused of stealing Sh27,103,200. The charge sheet stated that on or about 5 of July 2011, at Ministry of Treasury building in Nairobi, jointly with others not before court, they stole the money from the government.

In her short statement in court, Waiguru told the court there some irregular payments were made and several officers were suspended over the matter. She explained that her duties as IFMIS director were to manage the set-up, design, roll out, management and maintenance of the system.

She added that one of the department’s duties includes the centralized definition of suppliers and employees in the IFMIS system.

She said that the preliminary procedure was for supplier to send a request to the respective ministry to be included in the ministry’s list of suppliers for the category of services he or she is pre-qualified.

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