Two people have been charged awith conspiracy to defraud National Bank more than Sh135.4 million from different bank branches.
Martin Nyata Mukonza and Isaac King’ori Wachira are accused or on before 15 of December this year at unknown place jointly with others before court conspired to steal 135.402 ,694 million property of National Bank of Kenya.
Martin Nyata Mukonza is accused of stealing 900,000 from National Bank Kitale branch in Trans Nzoia County on 20 of December.
His co-accused Isaac King’ori Wachira is accused of stealing 2 million from National Bank Nakuru branch.
Other two Samuel Makau, George Githiga, Kennedy Meme and Festus Ndunda denied the charges when they appeared before senior principal magistrate Martha Mutuku last week on Friday.
The court heard that the four committed the offence between December 15 and 20, in Nairobi.
Each of them are also facing charges of attempting to steal from the bank.
Makau and Githiga are accused of trying to steal Sh 4.5 million and Sh 2 million respectively, while Meme and Ndunda are accused of making attempts to steal Sh5 million and Sh 4.8 respectively during the same period.
The court heard that the accused persons colluded with others still at large to commit the alleged offences. The monies were deposited into their accounts at the bank under unclear circumstances.
Ms Mutuku freed them on a Sh 500, 000 bond and an alternative cash bail of Sh300, 000.
The trial starts on February 7 next year.
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