No Kenyan shall be compelled to give out his or her information to officers carrying out new registration by the government.
In conditions given to the government ahead of NIIMS registration, which is set to be launched on Tuesday, a three judge bench further said no one should be denied services for lacking Huduma Number.
The court gave the government the green light to carry on with the exercise, which has been challenged by three petitioners.
“The respondents (Government) shall be liberty to collect the data and information under NIIMS. However the respondent shall not compel any member of the public to participate in the collection of personal data in NIIMS,’’ read justice Pauline Nyamweya
The three judge bench also barred the government from setting time restrictions or deadlines as regards to the information and Data in NIIMS.
The court added that the government should not set the data and collection of data in NIIMS as a condition as provision to get any governmental services or access to any services.
The government was also stopped disseminating personal data and information gathered in the process.
The information should not be shared or disseminated to or with any other national or international agencies or any other persons, the court ruled.
“While we have found that a prima facie case has been made out as with regards to stop elements of the petitioners case, we are not satisfied that a conservatory orders should be issued in the terms prayers sought by the petitioners,” the court ruled.