Peter Wambui, Isaac Kipkemoi, Moses Rono, Collins Kipyegon, Maxwell Ributhu, Edwin Cheruiyot, Gideon Rono and Gideon Kirui before court./PHOTO BY S.A.N.


Eight people have been charged with stealing almost half a billion from NCBA bank, which is associated with former President Uhuru Kenyatta’s family.

Peter Wambui, Isaac Kipkemoi, Moses Rono, Collins Kipyegon, Maxwell Ributhu, Edwin Cheruiyot, Gideon Rono and Gideon Kirui appeared before Milimani Chief Magistrate Susan Shutubi and denied more than 10 counts related to the theft.

The accused persons are alleged to have conspired to steal Sh449,647,200 from NCBA Bank, an offence they allegedly between January 1, and July 4, last year at unknown place.

The eight are also charged with engaging in organized crime activities.

It is alleged that between 1st January and 4th July last year at unknown place jointly with others not before court acted in concert with others on commission of serious crime stealing for the purpose of obtaining financial benefit.

The charges stated Rono, Kipyegon and Ributhu were found in possession of 2,014 Safaricom Sim cards at Kiamunyi estate in Nakuru knowing that the said sim cards were adapted for purpose of committing a crime.

Cheruiyot is charged separately with being found in a possession of Subaru Forester which he knew was a proceeds of crime by offence he had committed.

The prosecution told the court to release the accused with cash bail commensurate to the amount in the charge sheet.

However, Defense lawyers Dr Ham Lagat and Felix Kiprono vehemently opposed prosecution application urging the court to release the accused on lenient cash bail.

Dr Lagat pleaded with the court saying the Sh449,647,200 does not appear in the evidence earlier presented before Magistrate Ondieki who had released the accused persons on a cash bail of Sh200,000 and two surety each.

He told the court nothing was placed before court, including bank statements or financial documents apart from stating the huge amount to cause public fear and attract the public attention.

Dr Lagat dismissed the allegations that the millions mentioned were in their clients possession saying the money alleged to have been stolen is not in any form whosever with their clients.

Lawyer Kiprono said the accused persons are jobless and had no known source of income.

“We invite you to exercise your judicial discretion and admit the accused with reasonable bond terms and we humbly suggest Sh100,000,” lawyer Kiprono urged the court.

The court to deliver it ruling on Wednesday, February 15.